Where to buy transcutol in the uk

I am trying to make my own cream and i am finding it virtualy impossible to find transcutol in the uk. could someone help pls thanks

I’m not sure about the UK, but the EU, here is a source, and some other details and naming that may help you search:

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I live in the UK and I bought mine off Amazon


It’s a bit pricey at £79.99/500g and there are only 3 left in stock

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I used to work with DMSO and it’s a very good skin penetrator. It also used to penetrate our latex gloves with no problem (this was in the days before nitrile gloves). Spill a drop on your hand and you can taste it in your mouth in minutes. At the end of the day my friends used to complain of the garlic-like smell emanating from my skin.
Personally I wouldn’t use it on a daily basis.

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I bought Propylene Glycol on Amazon.es for a big bottle. 21euros. It is used extensively in cosmetics in EU. Have had excellent results. I use 1 0z. to dissolve rapa before mixing with 300 grams Cetaphil cream.

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