What Is My Biological Age? I Took These Tests to Find Out

FWIW: What Is My Biological Age? I Took These Tests to Find Out - WSJ

Way at the bottom of the article:

Kaeberlein, who consults for Novos but said he doesn’t endorse their products, said he has tried DNA methylation tests that put his biological age in a range from 36 to 59. He is 52.

“These tests are for entertainment value only,” he said.


Full article here: https://archive.ph/o7dZ8

C Samaratunga
9 minutes ago

How old? Look in the mirror. No cost convincing test.

I sometimes look at other people & wonder how old they are. I don’t have a sense that I’m good at guessing people’s ages from their looks.

I mean, I can tell newborn from 5 years from 20, but 40 vs 50, 60 vs 80, not so easy.