What are your WBC and absolute neutrophil/lymphocyte counts? [rapamycin is an "immunosuppressant" so data here is important]

Rapamycin is presumably an “immunosuppressant” so this is important

Component Your Value Standard Range Flag
NEUTROPHILS % 46.5 % 45.0-73.0 % %
LYMPHOCYTES % 45.3 % 25.0-50.0 % %
MONOCYTES % 6.0 % 1.0-10.0 % %
EOSINOPHILS % 1.4 % 1.0-3.0 % %
BASOPHILS % 0.8 % 0.0-2.0 % %
ABSOLUTE NEUTROPHILS 1.40 x10*3 /uL 1.80 - 8.00 x10*3 /uL L
ABSOLUTE LYMPHOCYTES 1.40 x10*3/uL 1.00 - 4.80 x10*3/uL
ABSOLUTE MONOCYTES 0.20 x10*3/uL 0.22 - 0.66 x10*3/uL L
ABSOLUTE EOSINOPHILS 0.00 x10*3/uL 0.00 - 0.60 x10*3/uL
ABSOLUTE BASOPHILS 0.00 x10*3/uL 0.00 - 0.30 x10*3/uL
Component Your Value Standard Range Flag
WBC 3.0 x10*3 /uL 4.5 - 11.0 x10*3 /uL L
RBC 4.31 x10*6 /uL 4.60 - 6.20 x10*6 /uL L
HGB 14.1 g/dL 14.0 - 18.0 g/dL
HCT 41.8 % 39.0 - 51.0 %
MCV 96.8 fL 80.0 - 100.0 fL
MCH 32.6 pg 27.0 - 31.0 pg H
MCHC 33.7 g/dL 32.0 - 37.0 g/dL
RDW 13.2 % 11.5 - 14.5 %
PLATELETS 251 x10*3 /uL 150 - 400 x10*3 /uL
MPV 7.4 fL 6.3 - 10.3 fL

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WBC / 5.06
Neutrophil absolute 3.51
Lymph auto 27.5
Lymph absolute 1.39

Started 1mg of Rapa late September 2022. Increased by 1mg a week. Currently at 8mg.

my neutrophil/wbc were low around jan 12. it went back to normal a week later. I cant be sure it was rapamycin though as I havent had this issue on rapamycin before on my prior blood tests. Doc said may of been an infection or something my body was fighting.