What is the Rapamycin Dose / Dosage for Anti-Aging or Longevity?

Obviously, much more research needs to be done on the mTORC2 inhibition issue, and how pulse dosing may or may not inhibit mTORC2 over weeks, months and years. All the literature talks about the need for “chronic” and typically “high” dosing of rapamycin to inhibit mTORC2 - but the exact definitions of “chronic” seems to lack experimental evidence in healthy humans especially related to periodic schedules.


In some tissues/diseases, such as cancer, it will likely be beneficial to inhibit both mTORC1 and mTORC2 where others, such as the aging process in general, might benefit from mTORC1-selective inhibition to avoid the negative metabolic side effects associated with prolonged treatment of the drug (Stallone et al ., 2009; Houde et al ., 2010). Current literature supports that the inhibition of mTORC1 contributes to the longevity effects of rapamycin and the inhibition of mTORC2, specifically in the liver, causes the negative effects of rapamycin on glucose homeostasis. However, more experiments are required to understand how the inhibition of these 2 complexes on a tissue-by-tissue basis affects the longevity of the organism as a whole.



I’m just reviewing more on the whole issue of mTORC2 inhibition as its an important area I’m still learning about. Here are some notes from a podcast with one of the Novartis authors of the 2014 Mannick paper:

Peter Attia asked Lloyd Klickstein:

How much exposure to rapamycin before you start to see this dual-prong of inhibition of TORC1 and TORC2?

His response was:

In humans, after a week to a month, you can start to see consequences of TORC2 inhibition with a rapalog alone and it’s reflected in hyperglycemia and hypertriglyceridemia. This happens in “normal” people as well—i.e., non-diabetic, non-immunocompromised

In one experiment. Patients with polycystic kidney disease that were otherwise healthy, took the rapalog (RAD001) and a substantial fraction saw these biochemical changes in their blood

  • The dose was 5 to 10 mg a day (equivalent to 2-8 mg of rapamycin)
  • BUT… not everyone has these effects and that it unclear why that’s the case

Again - in this example the doses are very high - 5mg to 10mg PER DAY - for weeks or month+.

Additionally - there is significant controversy over the interpretation of the “hyperglycemia and hypertriglyceridemia” mentioned above. Many researchers - Matt Kaeberlein and Mikhail Blaggosklony, included - who believe that these are benign effects that are part of the lifespan extension effect.

E.g. Fasting and rapamycin: diabetes versus benevolent glucose intolerance


Also, in the same interview, Lloyd Klickstein said, about the study with the rapalog everolimus:

    • Each of the doses did a different thing to TORC1 inhibition…
      • The .5 mg dose partially inhibited in a sustained fashion.
      • The 5 mg once a week fully inhibited TORC1 for a couple days out of the week
      • The 20 mgs would fully inhibit TORC1 over the dosing interval (i.e., nonstop inhibition of MTORC1 until your next dose)
  • Did any of these have TORC2 inhibition?

    • Nobody had to discontinue the drug for that reason

how many people actually had adverse effects which was surprisingly constant

  • Placebo group=12
  • .5 mg daily=22
  • 5 mg weekly=20
  • 20 mg weekly=27

Mouth ulceration (canker sores) were the most common side effect of rapamycin/rapalogs

  • 11.5% of the 0.5 mg daily
  • 4%, of the 5 mg weekly
  • 17% of the 20 mg weekly
    • That tells a very interesting story about the kinetics of this drug.
    • Lloyd Klickstein: We don’t know why this can cause ulcers

The side effects they saw in this study at the different doses were as follows (n = 218):


In support of rapa every 2 weeks is this video with Dr Green ; Rapamycin: Practical Dosage & Benefits | Dr Alan Green Episode 4 - YouTube

Green mentions 2 weeks to allow rapa 62 hr half life to decrease blood level then re-dose.

Green mentioned on top of the desire to suppress mtor, he used the words: benefit of rapa is also due to a differential between blood level now vs post dose. I add the words; spiking, pulsing. VS continuously keep mtor supressed. Just attempting to bring Dr Green comments here. Best to all.


Wondering if there is any research or anecdotal information about rapamycin and resistance exercise. It seems pretty clear that while rapamycin supplementation reduces muscle wasting (sarcopenia) in aging mice, it also blocks protein synthesis. Since I do both cardio and resistance training, I wonder if one should schedule resistance training at 1. the end of the week after taking sirolimus or 2. during the washout vacation period? See


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Interesting question regarding the differentiated issue of cardio and resistance training. I also do both - biking for an hour 3 or 4 times a week, and strength training 2 or 3 times a week for 45 minutes or so. I don’t change my schedule based on my rapamycin intake - but I do expect different results.

From what I’ve read, in the first few days after rapamycin intake you likely have much higher mTOR inhibition - so muscle growth after workout will likely be minimized. But - I think it was discussed by Peter Attia and Matt Kaeberlein in their recent podcast, or perhaps another one - generally the theory is just keep exercising on your regular schedule, and you’ll get some benefit. When mTOR is highly inhibited your workout will help to maintain your muscle and help prevent muscle wasting (due to lack of mTOR) - and then when the mTOR inhibition has receded - i.e. later in the week, you’ll get more gains.

On the broader issue of strength training / muscle building and rapamycin use - did you see this previous conversation?

I initially worried about rapamycin inhibiting muscle growth. However, something I read recently (frustrated that I didn’t record source) said that taking rapamycin periodically will enhance muscle growth because the periods of autophagy will enable the anabolic phase to work better.

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There is a whole discussion on the muscle / rapamycin / mTOR issue here:

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You may have seen this:

Full PDF below:


Has anyone written about best time of day to take rapamycin? i.e. does it matter if taken in the morning or at night?


Yes, generally better in the morning as rapamycin can be stimulating for some people.


thank you. after doing research and thinking about rapamycin for 2 years, i just took my first dose this morning. i went straight to 5mg of rapamune, figuring that this is probably the minimum effective dose, and can go to 6mg next week. i have done 3 day fasts several times, so i figured that i have some experience with inhibiting mtor the natural way. other then a small headache the first hour (very likely a placebo type of effect), i feel totally normal. i also put on a glucose monitor for the next two weeks to see if anything changes from my norm.


Thanks for the update. Please let us know results - positive or negative with the glucose monitor and any other side effects.

I just checked my ketones, as rapa seems to be somewhat of a fasting memetic, and is supposed to increase utilization of fatty acids. i was at 0.7mmol which is fairly low and may just be a result of not really eating much carbs today. (on a 3 day fast, i can hit on day 3 4-6mmol)

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Oh wow, I jsut had some carbs (not a lot), about 11 hours after taking 5mg, and my glucose response was MUCH higher (around 40 points higher then where it should be after what I ate) the normal. Based on this I will be extra careful with carbs when at peak dosage, and maybe add back metformin or take acarbose when eating a carby meal.

I would highly recommend that people take a look at their post prandial glucose levels after dosing rapa


It’s worth checking.

As a Type 1 diabetic, I keep a close eye on my blood glucose, and I have noticed no discernible effect of rapa. In fact, my blood glucose may be slightly lower during the first couple of days after dosing rapa.


i am not diabetic, but i find that its lower when on rapa if not eating carbs or at night its much flatter then normal. but when eating carbs, the response it more extreme, but comes down quickly.

i would assume that its similar to in a fasted state. when fasting and there are fatty acids at the muscles, they dont take up glucose as well (the glute 4 transporter get inhibited from intaking glucose into the muscle). the most likely reason is to preserve the glucose for the brain.


In terms of ApoE testing, even if you were ApoeE4 positive is there any data on this being a problem with rapamycin? Do most patients see increases in lipid markers and is the risk of this higher than potential benefits of rapamycin?

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The difference between Evirolimus and Sirolimus is profound. Evirolimus is much weaker and thus requires more the block Tor 1 than Sirolimus does. So the Mannick study of 20 mg weekly would take a lot less Sirolimus to obtain same results. These rapalogs were really developed for everyday usage to prevent organ transplant rejection. Sirolimus with it much longer 1/2 life is really a much better drug for longevity purposes and it also gives you a much bigger bang for your buck.
Also, these dosages depend on your age, the older you are the stronger your Tor signal is and you need more SIrolimus to inhibit it. So a Dr. Attia taking 6 mg weekly at 48 yo., is not compartibile to a 70 yo taking the same 6 mg. weekly. 70 yo would get much less benefit and would need to increase his weekly dosage to get a compartible benefit. Now Dr. B taking 20 mg bi-weekly is probably more of a better guide. His age is probably around 63 yo.


Where do you get your information on the need for higher dose at older age? Seems to be at odds with some results. For example, Dr. Green unequivocally states that at 72 years of age he did 6 mg/week and it worked in many ways in obvious health benefits for him. It’s a very important point and you may be right. But need to know if this is your conjecture or has some other basis in fact. Dosing is one of the big unknowns with this drug.