Wearables that theoretically measure AGEs (like Galaxy Watch 7). Do they work?


The best thing is to cross-reference with the AGE meter that people like Aaron King use


They are using Diagnoptics:


I’m using Apple products and may be missing something but reading the description of the Galaxy Watch 7, I don’t know how it could infer a proxy for AGE. The “AI” function is not explained technically in the literature I reviewed. It would likely need to be an off-watch cloud function based on trend analyses of the small number of metrics the sensor can capture.

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I’m just going to get one and see if it decreases when I take real semaglutide…

I couldn’t find the price on this AGE Reader from Diagnoptics. Guess I’d have to request a quote.

The watch itself isn’t that expensive. You can always return it back in 30 days if you don’t like it…


It breaks down separate sleeps/naps, but it drastically underestimates my REM sleep (I’ve been dreaming very intensely the last 2 weeks)


Does this measure smg like fructosamine? I’ve always had semi-high fructosamine levels :frowning: Maybe I’m going to try heroic doses of carnosine+taurine+metformin at some point…

This is a really cool feature that could be very useful if it were accurate enough, which I doubt. I don’t see any information on which specific fluorescent AGEs it supposedly detects and exactly where (just in the skin or also in the blood?) and how accurately it detects changes in response to interventions that lower AGE production. Also how does it compare to the AGE reader?


Yes, they need to provide accuracy data and comparisons to the general population by chronological age.