Vitamin C in our body

What is the duration that Vitamin C stays in our body when consumed. What is the half life time and at what level does it needs to be replenished?

  1. The average half life of ascorbic acid in adult human is about 10–20 days, with a turn over of 1 mg/kg body and a body pool of 22 mg/kg at plasma ascorbate concentration of 50 μmol/ L [8,9]. Hence ascorbic acid has to regularly supplemented through diet or tablets to maintain ascorbic acid pool in the body.
    ref: Vitamin C in human health and disease is still a mystery ? An overview - PMC

  2. The amount of time Vitamin C remains in your system depends on the factors listed above, but in general, it usually takes between 12 and 24 hours for it to be processed and excreted. This means that if you take a single dose of Vitamin C, its concentration in your body should begin to decline within 12-24 hours.
    ref: How Long Does Vitamin C Stay in Your System? Learn All About It! – DMoose

  3. The shape of the vitamin C response curve results primarily from the rate of oral absorption, combined with an excretion half‐life of ∼30 minutes. A secondary effect concerns its absorption and release from body tissue compartments.

Perhaps I am not reading it correctly… can someone share their experiences with high dose or moderate or low dose vitamin C and how it affects them? If the vitamin C can store itself even for a 12 hour half life… a single 1000mg dose would be sufficient… so unless I am not reading the information correctly above, can someone share their experiences as well as any peer reviewed info about this?

Would a single 1000mg dosage be sufficient or is a single 800mg extended release dose better?

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Ok. Here is my take on it. I did some research 18 years ago on vitamin C and other substances that are synergetic with it and read a lot on it. I recall reading that mammals produce it except humans and pigs. Also read that in cases animals were bombarded with viruses or any sort of infections they produced up to 400% more vitamin C than normal which means it plays a crucial role against infections etc.
I also read (mainly anecdotal but heard a Doc from Toronto saying it also) that Vit C combined with Lysine will ward of the cold and flu viruses. This doc actually said that these two substances in relatively high daily intake are a great remedy against Lupus also (apparently have no personal experience or anecdotal on this). It was also claimed by the famed Linus Pauling that these two supplements will supposedly cure Angina (blocked arteries).

Now back to my experience with it. As I’m in VERY high risk of heart disease (though I wasn’t diagnosed with a condition. I did it simply for preventative purposes) I decided to give VitC and Lysine a shot. I did 3000 VitC and 2000mg Lysine three times per day for about six months. I remember I started this at start of Nov 2006.

I used to get sick a lot (2-3 times per year) with flu or cold viruses for some reason which always left me with a nasty cough for 1-2 months after. About six months later (late in Spring of 2007) while dinning with couple coworkers one of them out of the blue goes: How come you didn’t get sick this winter; haven’t heard you cough in a long time. He was a scrawny type (tooth pick body type) who was very scared of viruses and always would sit farthest he could from me when I used to cough. I said have no clue, but after a while it downed on me that the ONLY different thing, I was doing is VitC and Lysine (i hadn’t started the supplement journey just yet then). Fast forward 18 years later and I have absolutely NEVER gotten sick again, and NEVER been to a doctor other than for a tooth infection once which I used Teladoc for a antibiotics prescription. During summer months I lower the amount to 2000mg of both daily and then I up it 2000X2 daily in the fall and then when the flu season is in full swing I Nov-April go 3000X2 daily, sometimes If I feel any signs whatsoever I up it again 3000X3 of both. BTW, I’ve noticed that our buddy Brian Johnson does about 2000mg of both of these two supplements daily also.

To be comfortable that this works and to test it I would try different doses during the flu season. i.e.1000 and 2000mg daily of both but as luck would have, I would start getting sick on both these doses. Then I would up the dose to 3000x3 sometimes actually even higher (depending on flu symptoms) and by the next morning symptoms would just disappear. But for me when the flu season is in full swing 3000X2 daily is the dose that works for prevention. I am a big guy 6-foot 240lbs, and perhaps a 100lb little lady may do just fine with way less, I simply don’t know.

BTW, the only side effect I had was a bit of diarrhea when I did 20gr of VitC and 15gr (4000mgx5 VitC and 3000mgx5 Lysine per day) that I let myself get sick (wanted to make sure it is actually the cold virus and not just a down day lol) while testing the 2000mg daily for both. The day after I upped the dose (to 20gr and 15gr) I felt like 95% clean and then day after those symptoms disappeared completely. Added bonus: I have never had the cold sores (which used to have them always when I was sick) in 18 years either. Have no clue if it did anything good for my heart though, but all I know is I’m free of heart disease at 58 even though most my grandparents and parents died in their 50’s of heart disease.

A small caveat on this though, I have three sister 53-65 years old and NONE have any heart problems either and two of them not only wouldn’t do my remedy, but they think there is something royally screwed with me for taking such amounts. One of them does do the same but at a bit lower amount, I think. Needless to say, while they have ZERO heart issues, they are always sick when I talk to them on the phone to which I always reply nanananananaaa LOL.

p.s. I read that high doses of Lysine are not good for kidneys, though I’ve had no issues with it, plus it may NOT even be true since a steak has about 7000mg of lysine and never heard steak was bad for kidneys (don’t know about other organs). As for VitC there is no side effect other than mild diarrhea on very high doses.


I have experimented with Vitamin C off and on since I first read Linus Pauling on it in the early 1970s.
I’ve known about combining it with Lysine, but for some reason I never took them together.

As I remember, Dr. John Myers, following Pauling, developed the “Myers’ cocktail” IV therapy.

The standard Myers’ cocktail included:

  • Vitamin C
  • B-Complex vitamins
  • Vitamin B12
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Glutathione
  • Saline solution

Doctors following Pauling/Myers would administer mega doses of IV Vitamin C.

Dr. Anthony Azar (mentioned a number of times across the forum) treated me with this (and possibly a variation) on 2 or 3 occasions when I had contracted serious respiratory infections. Probably saved my life more than once.

Liposomal preparations of vitamin C and other components of the Myers cocktail have changed the game.

As I understand it, liposomal vitamin C can produce far higher levels of vitamin C from a given dose and keep them high significantly longer than either IV or conventional oral administration.

Not certain if liposomal formulations work for everything. I have seen them available for vitamin C, B vitamins, and Glutathione.

RapMet - Your experience has me reconsidering regular use.


2024 study: Liposomal delivery enhances absorption of vitamin C into plasma and leukocytes: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial


Thanks for taking the time to reply.

I did 2000mg Vitamin C x 2 a day and same for Lysine but so many people thinks I am crazy. But I don’t recall getting sick.

I guess if we know the actual half life, then maybe an extended release might be more suitable. 90mg of Vitamin C is our daily requirements and I will exceed that from the oranges and fruits I eat alone.

Bottom line, what is the most cost effective way to get “fully buffered” with vitamin C and not have to deal with the consequences of the seasonal flu and cold…

Also I have been told to take Lysine on an empty stomach… not with food. That said, I consume at least 200g of steak daily, which is over 10g of lysine. Isn’t that enough?


Honestly 2000x2 daily for both should be good for most people. I think one’s weight should be a factor in the dosage also. I wouldn’t worry for extended release under normal circumstances, unless you are doing a special protocol that required a continues supply of Vit c and if that’s the case maybe doing 1000mg every couple hours might make more sense.

I also love steak and eat it often, but I never calculated it to substitute for the Lysine supplement. And from my experience the Lysine in food does NOT have same effect as the supplement form, and yes, I take both on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning and about 45 minutes before my dinner, and that has worked great for me. I’m actually very happy I found a way to prevent colds because I used to hate the way I felt when sick and most my vacation days were spent being sick. Yeah, a lot of people raise their eyebrows when I tell them, but I don’t care, for me NOT being sick is worth the weird look I get from some people. LOL


Amino acids like Lysine, Taurine, Glycine, etc. are best absorbed in an empty stomach as they don’t need to compete with other amino acids for absorption. That’s also why you don’t take glycine and taurine together.

The Lysine in your steak will have worse absorption than if you took a lysine supplement on an empty stomach.


That is interesting to know… thx you.

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1 kiwi (high in vit c) is enough for me to largely prevent all cold and flu like infections. Only had one minor cold in last 5 years. So I agree with the protective effects of vit c but I don’t supplement.

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Interesting… that is not that much vitamin C. Do you eat other fruits as well? It is more cost effective to get 1000mg pills than to eat even just 1 kiwi. I do like them though.

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Yes I do eat other fruits as I love the taste of fruits.
So every day I will have a bowl of two or three different types of berries plus that kiwi (occasionally 2) and then maybe either an apple or an orange.
Some vegetables also contain a reasonable amount of vit c that adds to the total sum.
Kiwis being very high though made the difference when I started adding this into the daily diet 5 years ago.
Sure, it would be way cheaper to take the supplements instead, but as I say, I love the taste of fruits so that’s my preferred way of having higher than average (I must be) vit c intake.

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I not understanding why you guys are trying to figure how and how much vitamin C to take when there is no evidence of benefit?

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Should we totally ignore doctors like these:
One of the most immediate and relatable benefits of high-dose vitamin C and Lysine is their ability to ward off the common cold. The combination of these two nutrients can reduce the severity and duration of colds. Their immune-enhancing properties bolster the body’s defense mechanisms, making it more resilient against viral invaders. When taken regularly, colds are infrequent.

High-Dose Vitamin C and Lysine | W. Gifford Jones, MD

Him at the age 100 here, Not too shabby if you ask me especially knowing the fact he had a heart attack at 74. .
Happy 100th birthday to Dr. W. Gifford-Jones MD!


Do you stop Lysine for a certain days on/after a rapa dose? I’d expect it wouldn’t be good to take them at the same time since Lysine raises MTOR.

Yes no amino acid for 2 days

But then what about taurine that I see members take by the grams?

I don’t see scientific studies referenced there?

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According to the man/doc himself all tests/experiments were done od doses way less than what is supposedly optimal (6000mg vitc and 4000mg lysine). Apparently only much higher doses have such benefits. One thing though, I’m not sure I believe the curing of blocked arteries; however, I have no reason to doubt that it works for colds and for me it is not sometimes, or I feel or could help. I’m 100% sure that doses of up to and higher than 3000X2 of each per day I Will NOT get a cold or a flu. Never got covid either. It is very rare to have people say that they never had a cold in last 20 years. I’m not telling anyone to do the same, or trying to convince anyone, but being that I used to actually be bedridden sometimes for up 5 days with severe pains, vomiting and fever when I used to get a cold not having to experience that again EVER is absolutely one of most amazing things I’ve run into as far as health is concerned. , But as we all know what works for me maybe it doesn’t work for everyone.


And there are 16 studies at the end of the article.

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Isn’t Lysine an MTOR activator? It may counteract some effects of Rapamycin which is my concern. I haven’t researched it too much yet, but it does seem to negatively affect dietary protein and serum amino acids. See Nature article below:

Also here’s a great chart on which amino acids extend lifespan on yeast, worms, flies and mice. For mice, the data is limited. Reduce Methionine and Tryptophan and increase Glycine to have longevity.


In the chart at first glance Methionine and Tryptophan looked like they increase longevity as does and most of them but in fact it’s in the decrease amino columns.