Ok. Here is my take on it. I did some research 18 years ago on vitamin C and other substances that are synergetic with it and read a lot on it. I recall reading that mammals produce it except humans and pigs. Also read that in cases animals were bombarded with viruses or any sort of infections they produced up to 400% more vitamin C than normal which means it plays a crucial role against infections etc.
I also read (mainly anecdotal but heard a Doc from Toronto saying it also) that Vit C combined with Lysine will ward of the cold and flu viruses. This doc actually said that these two substances in relatively high daily intake are a great remedy against Lupus also (apparently have no personal experience or anecdotal on this). It was also claimed by the famed Linus Pauling that these two supplements will supposedly cure Angina (blocked arteries).
Now back to my experience with it. As I’m in VERY high risk of heart disease (though I wasn’t diagnosed with a condition. I did it simply for preventative purposes) I decided to give VitC and Lysine a shot. I did 3000 VitC and 2000mg Lysine three times per day for about six months. I remember I started this at start of Nov 2006.
I used to get sick a lot (2-3 times per year) with flu or cold viruses for some reason which always left me with a nasty cough for 1-2 months after. About six months later (late in Spring of 2007) while dinning with couple coworkers one of them out of the blue goes: How come you didn’t get sick this winter; haven’t heard you cough in a long time. He was a scrawny type (tooth pick body type) who was very scared of viruses and always would sit farthest he could from me when I used to cough. I said have no clue, but after a while it downed on me that the ONLY different thing, I was doing is VitC and Lysine (i hadn’t started the supplement journey just yet then). Fast forward 18 years later and I have absolutely NEVER gotten sick again, and NEVER been to a doctor other than for a tooth infection once which I used Teladoc for a antibiotics prescription. During summer months I lower the amount to 2000mg of both daily and then I up it 2000X2 daily in the fall and then when the flu season is in full swing I Nov-April go 3000X2 daily, sometimes If I feel any signs whatsoever I up it again 3000X3 of both. BTW, I’ve noticed that our buddy Brian Johnson does about 2000mg of both of these two supplements daily also.
To be comfortable that this works and to test it I would try different doses during the flu season. i.e.1000 and 2000mg daily of both but as luck would have, I would start getting sick on both these doses. Then I would up the dose to 3000x3 sometimes actually even higher (depending on flu symptoms) and by the next morning symptoms would just disappear. But for me when the flu season is in full swing 3000X2 daily is the dose that works for prevention. I am a big guy 6-foot 240lbs, and perhaps a 100lb little lady may do just fine with way less, I simply don’t know.
BTW, the only side effect I had was a bit of diarrhea when I did 20gr of VitC and 15gr (4000mgx5 VitC and 3000mgx5 Lysine per day) that I let myself get sick (wanted to make sure it is actually the cold virus and not just a down day lol) while testing the 2000mg daily for both. The day after I upped the dose (to 20gr and 15gr) I felt like 95% clean and then day after those symptoms disappeared completely. Added bonus: I have never had the cold sores (which used to have them always when I was sick) in 18 years either. Have no clue if it did anything good for my heart though, but all I know is I’m free of heart disease at 58 even though most my grandparents and parents died in their 50’s of heart disease.
A small caveat on this though, I have three sister 53-65 years old and NONE have any heart problems either and two of them not only wouldn’t do my remedy, but they think there is something royally screwed with me for taking such amounts. One of them does do the same but at a bit lower amount, I think. Needless to say, while they have ZERO heart issues, they are always sick when I talk to them on the phone to which I always reply nanananananaaa LOL.
p.s. I read that high doses of Lysine are not good for kidneys, though I’ve had no issues with it, plus it may NOT even be true since a steak has about 7000mg of lysine and never heard steak was bad for kidneys (don’t know about other organs). As for VitC there is no side effect other than mild diarrhea on very high doses.