I have been using rapamycin 2mg/week for about 3 weeks. Normally I have slight myopia. I noticed that I can see more clearly after rapamycin for the last week. This is a very nice feeling. Has anyone had a similar experience?
have you had a test administered by an optometrist for more objective measure ?
I felt as though my eyesight has improved slightly, but I still can’t be sure it’s my imagination or the Rapa.
I have had slight myopia since college and I have had periodic opto checks. In the past decade when I was very active outdoors, my myopia has improved slightly (without rapamycin). My contacts in my left eye went from -1.5 to -1.25 and right -1 to -.75 Who knows really why, my theory is that I spent lots of time outdoors looking afar.
I am starting rapamycin for my periodontal disease which will be tracked with dental cleanings. We will see if the eyesight improves as well with my check ups.
My own myopia improved on the last test. I am not sure what this correlates with, however. I don’t have a problem with hypermetropia either. My lens flexibility is OK.
I am 65, almost 66 and have been dosing for around 9 months or so. now taking 5mg with GFJ every 15 days and had a 4 wk break for an EGD and colonoscopy in SEP. I have not seen any improvement in my vision either near or far. In fact, I believe my near vision has gotten worse as I have to use my reading glasses more than I did. I can get by w/o them but have to strain, so I just started wearing them when on the computer or reading for more than a min or so. I have my annual eye exam in Dec or Jan depending on my doc’s schedule (usually in early DEC). I was hoping to see improvement ( I was a pilot when working) but doesn’t look like it’s going to help. sigh…