Video Interview - Nitric Oxide and Functional Health - with Dr. Nathan Bryan

A video worth watching , making notes and applying the information

David Perlmutter MD interviewing Dr. Nathan Bryan original aired June 12, 2023


Another crazy person that thinks something besides LDL cholesterol could cause heart disease.


Dr Bryan would be proud of my success in getting nitrites into my saliva. My BP has also trended down while I’ve been working on my NO. I posted a presentation of his here as well. He’s a NO expert for sure.

‘Fluoride is a neurotoxin…destroys your thyroid.’

Big Teeth on fluoridated water: Fluoridation in Water | American Dental Association

CDC: ‘One of the ten great public health achievements of the twentieth century.’

LOL. LMFAO, even.


“There are two ways to be fooled: one is to believe what is not true, the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”

~ Søren Landkildehus


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Great job misinterpreting my point.

Long introduction. Product plug starts at 45:02. That product is below.

Ingredients -

Vitamin C (from Magnesium Ascorbate) 164 mg
Magnesium (from Magnesium Ascorbate) 12 mg

NO2U Propietary Blend 220 mg
[Magnesium Ascorbate, Sodium Nitrite]

Sodium nitrite can be found in Pink Salt, used to cure meat. But it is a proprietary blend. So we do not know how much is magnesium ascorbate, and how much is sodium nitrite, in the 220 mg.


Developed by Dr. Nathan S. Bryan, the world’s leading expert on Nitric Oxide production, this nitric oxide generating supplement is specially formulated to rapidly help boost production in the body. It works to support the body’s natural Nitric Oxide production and provides a source of N.O. as it is dissolving in the mouth.

Our innovative formula uses an advanced delivery system that provides an exogenous source of nitric oxide that may support the following:

  • Improve Nitric Oxide production.
  • Enhance oxygen and nutrient delivery to cells.
  • Support cardiovascular health.
  • Aid normal heart function.
  • Support healthy blood circulation and blood pressure.
  • Create healthy blood flow to the brain and other organs.
  • Deliver antioxidant support.
  • Support cognitive function and memory.

Increase NO

“Cialis Daily”
Off label use.
Generic tadalafil {Cialis)
90 tablets /2.5mg each, once a day
GoodRx discount card{screenshot below] for Stop & Shop Pharmacy
$16.97(in the North New Jersey area) pay cash/out of pocket
Yes, you would require a prescription.

Does not get much cheaper than $17.00 for 90 days.

I have no financial interest in GoodRx or Stop&Shop.

I am a user of discount cards.


Looking at this I wonder if getting together a dilute solution of sodium nitrite and potassium nitrate (to have a mix of sodium and potassium and because I cannot find potassium nitrite and there is I think an advantage to having the mix) and sipping up to 250mg of the undiluted mix in the diluted form may have merit.

@John_Hemming Two things to look into regarding nitrite consumption. There is a toxic level of nitrite consumption (1 tblspn = death), and nitrite has a very short half-life (minutes). These points were raised by Beth Shirley in my podcast on NO. That said, I see that the NO booster supplements do contain a small amount of nitrite.

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potassium and or sodium nitrate?

Review the following;

Its an interesting question. It obviously needs some detailed study as indeed 10g is a fatal dose of sodium nitrite, however Dr Nathan Bryan’s NO supplement includes possibly as much as 200mg of Na Nitrite.

I will find some time to research this. However, if the relevant bacteria are in saliva adding a bit of nitrite and possibly nitrate to saliva may achieve the objective. It will take a bit of reading up on.

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That is an interesting article as well. It explains why Vitamin C is added to the Sodium Nitrite in the pills to avoid the creation of nitrosamines. Hence if we are to go down this route we should have a small amount of Vitamin C as well. The key question is the balance between Nitrite and Ascorbate.

It should be a very inexpensive supp.

As he works for the University of Texas at Austin, they hold/own the patent he developed. He is licensing the compound to market. This is what IP gives the end user. Too many people/entities looking to make a profit, recover cost, you the end user pays.

$80.00 for 60 Lozenge is way too expensive.

In my view you can accomplish the increase of systemic NO using off label “drugs” / other compounds for much less cost. I mentioned tadalafil {Cialis) as one, you could use nitroglycerin {which is also inexpensive with a discount card]. On the nature side fresh squeezed beet juice and or kale.

Most people just would like to take a pill,

I found this an interesting paper.

I am looking for papers not authored by Nathan Bryan that either substantiate his approach or suggest variations. The paper linked had:

2.2. Dietary Nitrate

In addition to the oxidation of NO, nitrite is also derived from meat, vegetables as beetroot, lettuce, spinach, and drinking water that represent high natural dietary sources of inorganic nitrate (NO3). After being ingested, nitrate returns to the oral cavity through the blood circulation and reaches the salivary glands; finally, it is reduced to nitrite by the oral microflora

This is interesting simply because it makes the point that the simple pass through the mouth for NO precursors is probably one of the least important steps. It is the return via the blood circulation that is key for this.

Hence to me it seems that although a dilute solution of NO2/NO3 plus vitamin C might be useful on a one off basis actually what is much more important is to have the right balance of bacterial in the oral biome.

The two top bacteria for nitrate processing appear to be Prevotella and Veillonella

Other possibilities seem to be: Neisseria, Actinomyces, Fusobacterium, Campylobacter, Leptotrichia, Haemophilus, Rothia and Granulicatela.


However, says:

Analysis using a terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism method and an international comparison suggest that the predominance of the genera Prevotella and Veillonella in the salivary microbiota is attributable to periodontal disease conditions, and that the predominance of the genus Neisseria indicates healthy periodontal conditions.

The question here, of course is whether Prevotella and Veilonella are there to help with periodontal disease or whether they hinder.

The first paper does say:

On the contrary, the daily use of an antiseptic mouthwash and tongue cleaning prevents the reduction of nitrate to nitrite and disrupts the enterosalivary cycle by affecting oral concentrations of commensal reducing bacteria. Therefore, nitrite does not achieve the acidic environment of the gastric cavity thus decreasing the S-nitrosothiols formation.



Preliminary in vitro and clinical evidence show that bacteria normally associated with disease, such as Veillonella (caries) and Prevotella (periodontal diseases and halitosis), decrease in the presence of nitrate.

So this seems to go for the balance of avoiding those two.

Neisseria also appears to be a pathogen.

GPT4 says:

The process of nitrate reduction in the oral cavity is facilitated by a group of bacteria that fall under the umbrella of “oral nitrate-reducing bacteria.” These bacteria are an integral part of the oral microbiota and can impact our health by contributing to cardiovascular health through nitric oxide (NO) generation.

Here are some of the oral bacteria associated with nitrate reduction:

  1. Veillonella species: This group of bacteria is often identified as a significant nitrate-reducing species in the oral microbiome. A study by Hyde et al. in 2014 showed that Veillonella atypica was a prominent nitrate reducer.
  2. Rothia species: Rothia species, including Rothia mucilaginosa, have also been found to have nitrate-reducing capabilities.
  3. Neisseria species: Some Neisseria species, like Neisseria flavescens, have been shown to The process of nitrate reduction in the oral cavity is facilitated by a group of bacteria that fall under the umbrella of “oral nitrate-reducing bacteria.” These bacteria are an integral part of the oral microbiota and can impact our health by contributing to cardiovascular health through nitric oxide (NO) generation.
  1. Actinomyces species: Certain Actinomyces species also contribute to the nitrate reduction process in the oral cavity.

These are just a few examples. The oral cavity is home to hundreds of species of bacteria, and it’s likely that many others also have some nitrate-reducing capabilities. It’s important to note that while these bacteria can contribute to overall health, their roles are complex and dependent on a balanced oral microbiome. An overgrowth of certain bacteria, even those with beneficial aspects, can lead to oral health problems such as periodontal disease.

Please consult with a healthcare professional for a more detailed understanding of your oral microbiome.

I will come back to this at a later point, but I think the key to this issue is to know how to improve the oral microbiome.

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Looking at this further quite a few of these seem to be pathogens (or at least up to a point or moreso beyond a point).

Kingella kingae causes endocarditis in children. (Kingella is another one which seems to be nitrate-reducing)
Campylobacter causes diarrhoea
Neisseria causes meningitis
Actinomycota can cause gum disease
Fusobacterium can cause ulcerative colitis
Leptotrichia don’t seem to have such a bad rep although they can be invasive where people have immunosuppression.
Haemophilus seem to be quite common in the upper respiratory tract and seems to be recognised as part of the salivary microbiome.
Rothia is also one which is not necessarily as bad.
Granulicatela is a “commensal” for the mouth, but can cause havoc.

I think the conclusion is all of them can cause problems in the wrong place, but some are more likely to be present in the salivary glands without causing difficulties (and whilst reducing nitrate).

Wikipedia says:

Unlike the uterine, placental and vaginal microbiomes, the types of organisms in the salivary microbiota remain relatively constant. There is no difference between populations of microbes of based upon gender, age, diet, obesity, alcohol intake, race, or tobacco use.[3] The salivary microbiome characteristically remains stable over a lifetime.[4] One study suggests sharing an environment (e.g., living together) may influence the salivary microbiome more than genetic components.[5] Porphyromonas, Solobacterium, Haemophilus, Corynebacterium, Cellulosimicrobium, Streptococcus and Campylobacter are some of the genera found in the saliva.[6]

We do have a form of shortlist here: Haemophilus and Campylobacter

The first interesting question is to find out what tests there are for what is any one person’s salivary microbiome. Obviously people do at times share their salivary microbiomes.

Well there are some people offering tests:

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Fascinating topic. Lustgarten does a pretty good job on this here:

I nearly tried Bristle, he gives a discount link for them:

He lives on veg, so really didn’t need the nitrate. It might well work for me. I’m still thinking about it.

Good info. I understand the oral biome to be like the gut biome in the way a diverse set of bugs is best for controlling the bad bugs. The way to a healthy microbiome in all environments is to not kill them off with chemicals or a lack of food (that they eat). Stop using as much as possible : antibiotics, antiseptic mouthwash, fluoride toothpaste, preservatives in food, etc. and eat a variety of phytonutrients and fibers and resistant starches that they eat.

Also use nitrite test strips to see if your have nitrates in your saliva and the right bugs to convert to nitrite. If not, sort it out; you are doing something to break the system.

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The point, however, about the papers I linked to above is that nitrate gets to the salivary glands via the blood stream. Obviously some of the product could come back via the oesophagus, but it can also go via the salivary glands back into the blood stream (particularly if not salivating). Hence you would not necessarily be fully able to test for this from saliva although it would give a guide.

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