Vegetarians/vegans vs non-vegans (the differences)

I don’t know much about this space because I’m not their target market, but I recently watched a Rich Roll podcast with the guy who is working on lab grown meat in the US… it was pretty interesting. Apparently it has been available in very limited quantities at a handful or restaurants due to cost and scalability

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The taste and texture is the same, because it’s meat.

Regarding bans:


Lab-grown meat is not relevant to vegetarianism health differences… It’s probably not healthy. Real vegetarians (like Sabine H) will never miss the taste of meat and can do without lab-grown meat or meat substitutes.

[pls keep this thread on topic]

Widespread use of fake meat/meat substitutes is just going to reduce/contaminate the positive health differential between vegetarians and omnivores


Is there a difference between vegetarians and healthy omnivores for lifespan and health? I thought they lived about the same in observational trials.

Yes there is, I’ve pointed out some in the SSC post above. And TruDiagnostic’s cohort now…

Alex Hershaft looks quite good for being 88 / 90 years old. He’s a holocaust survivor. Been vegan for 45 years.

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The vegans who were his patients who didn’t heal well after his spinal surgeries were typically eating processed food and lots of salt.

He goes over a study later in the video: