Using a CGM + machine learning to determine your type of insulin resistance

I’m pretty sure I have slightly impaired glucose tolerance even though I have reasonable hemoglobin A1C values (my diet is still far healthier than most people), so this might figure it out even though no doctor will tell me I have any problem.

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What’s your HOMA-IR? With a CGM, do you ever go above 140 mg/dL?

Very interesting. This has opened my eyes to more complexity in blood sugar dysregulation. I will study this further to better understand my own physiology better.

“ Lifestyle interventions such as weight loss and exercise reduce insulin resistance, whereas reducing dietary sugar and glycemic load might benefit those with β-cell deficiency and/or incretin deficits; metformin reduces hepatic glucose production, acarbose prevents absorption of dietary carbohydrates in the small intestine, thiazolidenediones are powerful insulin sensitizers, and GLP-1 agonists augment β-cell insulin secretion and reverse insulin resistance via weight loss.”

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