Uric Acid: What's Optimal For Health? (aka Urate)

This is quite a helpful video from Mike Lustgarten which identifies for males an ideal Urate level of 300 micromolar.

This is the paper he refers to

Looking at this it is not entirely clear what is best for females. It may be the 300 figure, but there is an argument it should be lower.

I think supplementing Molydenum has increased my urate by about 30-50 micromolar.


Some other views on Urate including an interesting argument that high levels of Fructose consumed drives higher Urate.

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Dr Rick Johnson said Uric acid is causal for metabolic health issues. Avoid Uric acid and gout by:

  • Gout / High Uric acid: stay hydrated, avoid fructose (sugar is ½ fructose), minimize the purines (beer, shellfish, sardines, processed meats, gravy, bacon), take vit C (500 mg / day), quercetin, certain diuretics, SGLT2 inhibitors lower uric acid
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There is an interesting theory behind the fructose links that particularly for hibernating species the presence of fructose is a sign that there is a lot of food around and that the animal should over eat and store the food as fat which can be used to survive the winter and metabolic disease is actually a human equivalent of preparing for hibernation.