Tracking Medication Risks and Interactions - Myrxprofile App

I’m looking at increasing my complexity of my longevity medication regimen and wanted to see what the best way to check and track interactions, risks, etc. associated with different medications I’m considering. For example, right now I take rapamycin, empagliflozin and a small dose of minoxidil, and I’m wondering what the possible interactions might be if I go towards lowering my lipids / cardio risk further with bempedoic acid, ezetimibe, colchicine, etc.

While I could use a drug interaction checking website, I really wanted to track this over-time, and add things I’m considering to the list just to track and review things over a period of time.

The best (really, only) app that I found and have started to use is the app called MyRXProfile. So far it seems pretty good.

If you’re interested in doing something similar, you may want to try it out.


Very cool! will definitely give this a go as I’ve got a lot on the go and should be more aware of potential interactions.

Thanks for bringing this app to the table!

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