Too much Rapamycin?

I’m wondering if anyone has taken a mid-sized dose - 6 mg with grapefruit juice two weeks in a row with an active canker sore still not healed from the first week? I’m afraid the canker sore has gotten worse and now my body realizes it’s infected but the rapa is blocking my immune response. 4 days now of sweating, chills, fever, muscle ache, headache. Tested for Covid, Flu A&B, negative. Have been to Urgent Care, prescribed Amoxycillin, but no improvement 30 hours later.

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How long have you been taking Rapamycin? Are you taking anything else i.e. Dasatinib? Any underlying immunocompromising illnesses?
I would probably consider 6 mg with gfj to be moderate to high dose, especially if you are new to Rapa.

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