To bacon or not to bacon: Nitric Oxide, L citrulline and so much conflicting info!

  1. Here is the plug for bacon? Dr Nathan Bryan sells his expensive own supplement fwiw

  1. Here is a video against using l citrulline UNLESS you are young and healthy:

@Jonas I watched the video where you set the watchpoint and couldn’t find the reasons why L-Citrulline isn’t good. Could you please elaborate?

Watching here on 26:11 onwards:*

And he is also sell something:

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Food is so complex… all we can do is learn what we can, and focus on the things that make the most sense for us individually, and prioritize as best we can.

Bacon is more complex than just Nitric Oxide issues. Its high in methionine and as such has been linked to Alzheimers disease risk: see this link: Predicting Alzheimers (and minimizing risk) - #158 by RapAdmin


lol, I do love bacon. Really just look for reasons to eat them!

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High in AGEs also…no fried food for me.


In my experience, citrulline in a low dose is good for me. (less than 0,4 - 0,8 gr). Combined with low-dose arginine, it works even better for elderly people to improve their circulation and the oxygenation of the tissues in their body.

But swirling around beet juice in my mouth is the way to go if the aim is to increase endurance.