thank you for all that info. I cycle my 13 year old pit bull on 2 mg. for 10 weeks on 12 weeks off - do you use it more consistently with yours. I saw slight liver function elevation which resolved in the interim along with slightly elevated potassium
My 17 yr old pit is on 3mg 2x week. My boy with sarcoma takes 3mg 3xweek. The funny thing is that my boy with sarcoma who takes more rapa has super normal liver enzymes. My pit-boxer who takes less, gets one of his enzymes a bit high once in a while, so maybe I will cycle him and see what happens. Thank you for sharing!
Both of my old boys on rapa are having issues with their hind legs/hips. Do you think cycling rapa to normalize mTOR for a while would help? My 17 yr old doesn’t have any major health issues. His heart is great, CKD at stage 1, and some minor liver enzyme alterations, but his hind legs and hips started to go. They both walk about 1 hr a day and 2 hrs a day on weekends, but their gait is less stable, and the older boy is now having to take more breaks. They walk off-leash at their own pace, and they stop when tired. I heard reutori can help muscle mass… did anyone hear about the use of probiotics for sarcopenia?