Just read this blog post by Peter Diamandis about TPE. Wondering your thoughts on this for longevity? Anyone know where to find out who (what Doctor) does this in my area (Phoenix, AZ)?
My apologies. I should have done a search on TPE before posting this. I now see that Rap Admin has actually had TPE done and discussed this.
But I don’t identify any places that offer it other than the one I went to; Dobri kiprov’s clinic in mill valley California. Perhaps we can identify some other locations.
From the Fight Aging! Newsletter
“ the use of therapeutic plasma exchange as an approach to treat aspects of aging, the practical way to implement something like parabiosis in humans. Clinicians can remove plasma and substitute in young plasma, but this can produce side-effects. So they instead use 5% albumin in saline. Albumin comes from donor plasma, where the average age of donors is 25 or so. Kiprov argued for the quality of the albumin to likely be an important factor in the effects of parabiosis, given it has immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects.”
Has a comparison of this (saline plus a bit of young albumin) to frequent blood donation been done? If the issue is iron getting too low surely that can be remedied.
I’ve been donating blood every 3 months for the last 9 months now. I’m trying to get my iron lower but maybe I’m getting rid of old blood factors too.
I have to say this idea of TPE, transferring young blood into an older person, intrigues me, and makes sense how it works. However, I would only do this with somebody who is genetically related (blood type …etc.) and I know their health status and history… like my son. Similar to Brian Johnson’s use of his mini me son.
My son who is an RN says he’s down for it (great kid), if I want. Now just finding someone to do it safely at an economical price in Missouri is the challenge.
Yes. I wonder how much of the benefit is from discarding the old stuff (similar to but more volume than a blood donation?) vs obtaining young albumin (5% young albumin in saline is enough?) vs entire blood plasma contents of a young person to replace the discarded old blood plasma?
“The authors tried several control experiments to make sure that this wasn’t an effect being driven by added albumin protein, and it apparently isn’t. They conclude that removal and substitution of old plasma "is sufficient for most if not all observed positive effects on muscle, brain and liver " in parabiosis-type experiments. It doesn’t exclude the idea of there being beneficial factors in young plasma, but suggests that this is not the driver of many of the results seen.“
Is the reason we can’t donate blood too frequently related only to iron or is it many blood factors that get too diluted?
Who knows about this?
Latest parabiosis paper seems to support that there is good stuff in young blood and that it might be both.
Young blood-mediated cerebromicrovascular rejuvenation through heterochronic parabiosis: enhancing blood-brain barrier integrity and capillarization in the aged mouse brain
Published: 10 May 2024
Our results indicate that short-term exposure to young systemic factors leads to both functional and structural rejuvenation of cerebral microcirculation.
The rejuvenation observed in the endothelium, following exposure to young blood, suggests the existence of anti-geronic elements that counteract microvascular aging. Conversely, pro-geronic factors in aged blood appear to accelerate cerebromicrovascular aging. Further research is needed to assess whether the rejuvenating effects of young blood factors could extend to other age-related cerebromicrovascular pathologies, such as microvascular amyloid deposition and increased microvascular fragility.
Sinclair discussed the paper and listed ideas for what in the young blood it could be:
The GDF11 paper he pointed to is: GDF11 reverses mood and memory declines in aging | Nature Aging
Overall short tweet commentary:
Related: plasma donation as a way to remove microplastics? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2S7vbJZ8kY&list=PLKTKetGpQgfs_BC3k61BboA2ppDYEByro&index=1