The Thymus As A Key Target For Aging Intervention, Dr. Greg Fahy EARD 2022

Here’s the latest update on Greg Fahy’s work on Thumus regeneration. Should be interesting to see where this goes…


If you’ve been following Fahy and his work on Thumus regeneration as it relates to age reversal, this is a good update.

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Interestingly if we remember the Buck Institute presentation the improvement in balance of T cells will reduce the epigenetic age.

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Yes - At this week’s Longevity Summit conference at The Buck Institute, Eric Verdin of the Buck Institute said that he thinks that the Thymus rejuvenation results that Greg Fehy claims are actually not rejuvenation at all, but just changes in the composition of the types of cell in the blood, with a greater number of faster cycling naive T-cells in the composition, thus the artificial lowering of biological age just through changing of the ratio of different types of cells.

So - we’ll see - this may be a false result, that does not reflect actual functional improvement in the thymus.

From what I know from the first TRIIM study… the thymus re-involuted back to its old state after a year. Correct me if I’m wrong on this.

I think this is an interesting study on the efficacy/safety of HGH for those in their 60s-80s.

The claim is that it reversed the biological age by 2.5 years. See this Nature paper: First hint that body’s ‘biological age’ can be reversed

Eric Verdin at the Buck Institute and his team there have done an analysis of the biological clocks and because they calculate the biological age based on the cpg sites of a number of different types of cells in the blood, if you change the composition (i.e. ratio) of the different cell types you can get a change in the calculated biological age, when in fact all you’ve gotten is a change in the distribution of cell types in the blood (i.e. a change in the relative proportions of the cells in the blood). I think Eric Verdin covers this issue in his recent presentation here:

If this is true, then the conclusions from the TRIM trials may be completely off-base and innacurate.

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At a cost of over $20,000 or more per year.

You are aware the the people in both TRIM study’s had to pay to be in the “study”