The Rapamycin Longevity Cocktail for humans

The launch of the Rapamycin Longevity Lab has gone really well and more than 200 members have joined this longevity movement in just two days :pray: The goal is that we get up to 3000 members and the sooner we reach that number the faster we will be able to start the two revolutionary projects around Rapamycin. Nobody has done anything close to the magnitude of data that we are going to deliver around Rapamycin and mTOR inhibitors thanks to these projects. So all help in spreading the word about this movement and getting people onboard is a win-win for us all. Together we can make a big difference in the field.

During the launch I got a great question regarding if the Rapamycin Longevity Lab will only focus on research in worms. One of the main purposes with the lab is that we humans will get big benefits from the different results that the lab delivers. The reason why we start with the worm studies is because Ora Biomedicals launched their groundbreaking wormbot last week. This wormbot technology opens up completely new opportunities to make important discoveries when it comes to combining different longevity interventions with Rapamaycin in a very cost-effective and fast way. From these discoveries we can do future studies in mice and eventually in humans.

The future vision is that we one day, not too far in the future, will start the TARAC human trial (= Target Aging with Rapamycin longevity Cocktail). This trial will combine the 3 - 5 best longevity compounds with Rapamycin which has shown a really powerful synergistic longevity effect in other species and see if it also works in humans. I call this powerful combination of interventions the “Rapamycin Longevity Cocktail”. The goal with this cocktail is to increase the chance for people to live well and above 100 years. It’s like a centenarian longevity cocktail. We already have some indications of what ingredients the cocktail may have and step by step we will increase our knowledge about this thanks to the lab and other research. So the future longevity cocktail party is coming! Join this awesome upcoming party on the homepage and help out in spreading the word :slight_smile: