The end of daily blood pressure pills?

A single dose of the drug, called zilebesiran, can control the condition for up to six months, with few side effects, and could end daily tablets


ALN-AGT-Fact-Sheet.pdf (166.0 KB)

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RNAi is having a big day today seriously. Blood pressure and cholesterol just became extremely occaisional injections rather than daily pills.

The question is, how long until it goes mainstream?

No thanks, few side effects unless you are one of the unlucky ones and then you are stuck with 6 months of side effects

Effect is modest.

Single doses of zilebesiran (≥200 mg) were associated with decreases in systolic blood pressure (>10 mm Hg) and diastolic blood pressure (>5 mm Hg) by week 8;

That is achievable with exercise, and other natural interventions.

“>10 mm Hg” is not “modest”: it’s a massive effect. Indeed: “Most antihypertensive drug lower systolic blood pressure by around 10 mmHg, which reduces stroke and heart failure by about a quarter.” ( Efficacy and toxicity of antihypertensive pharmacotherapy relative to effective dose 50 - PMC )

For people who cannot control their BP with exercise and diet only, it could be a life saver.