The Carnivore Diet and Rapamycin

CT scans are pretty useless, only help with persuasion for treatment which should be there in the first place.

It’s like checking for lung cancer when smoking X amount of packs of cigarettes.

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There is no finasteride in Biden’s heath report though.


For his age, he (Trump) is pretty spunky, yeah. However there’s plenty of videos of him rambling, confused, sweating and looking almost disoriented. Maybe there’s some cocaine in his stack, lol. We wouldn’t know.


For my health goals plant plus fat fish protein works the best. One meal a day,. About four times per week plant protein three times animal mainly herring and mackerel. Their omega3 makes it the best animal protein as I see it.
I also get a fair amount of protein from my one kilo of veggies daily.

Do you eat salty pickled herring or fresh? Good pickled herring is non-existent in the U.S. one has to travel to Europe to get it.

Guys, please keep any political discussions (even discussions related to politician’s ages and fitness) out of the threads. We want to keep this a positive place to visit and not infected with the negative political battles that seem never-ending in the US.


Here in Sweden I get frozen herring. Marginally superior health-wise to fresh and pickled, and easier to handle can buy a large quantity in one go. After thawing in the fridge I prepare it in the oven or micro. Delicious, inexpensive, low footprint environmentally and excellent protein/fat, I love it.


I envy you. We don’t have such luxury in the States.

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Geeze the pro meat folks can’t afford cloths. Is that the point?

We are on the DesertS diet. :slight_smile: meat +some carbs mostly in the form of sugars contained in chocolate. Lynn did her 10 yr vegitarian experiment, switched due to trail and error N=1 and choose carnivor.

The Low carb confs (Metabilolic Confs) give lots of citatations and studies. I don’t write them down.

This Shawn Baker vid is not a study, but he talks about interesting misconceptions about vegan/vegitarian being healthier using Southern India as a data source.

What we learned via our weston a price org learning is that the body is highly varied and some may actually do better on vegitables and some like ours better on mostly meat.

Wishing every one well, find your best grove, curt


Geeze the pro meat folks can’t afford cloths. Is that the point?

Pro-meat people look better with their clothes off, anyway…

I’d rather look like any of them than this guy, lmao.


The candle that burns twice as bright burn half as long.


Vegetarians don’t live longer than non-vegetarians, and that guy in particular (who is both obese and lacking in muscle mass) is definitely not a candidate for a long life.


You’re funny, but you shouldn’t base your health decisions on that.
See what they say not what they look like.

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Yeah, when your waistline is way bigger than your shoulders that is not a pretty sight-generally speaking. It may also not be so good for longevity either, but as the saying goes to each their own.


I agree. You don’t have to be able to play football or baseball to be a good coach.
I often give really good advice that I don’t follow myself. :sweat_smile:


I believe that is Dr. Greger in the photo.

I do think that losing some weight and hitting the gym would be good for him.

I should take the same advice… :sweat_smile:


In reality he looks more like this (the photo you shared is a very unflattering photo of someone stretching his back against the chair, everyone would look like this). There is no point in shaming either vegans or carnivores for their looks.


I wonder if the mobile phone in the pocket over the heart was another issue. I decided some years ago to stop putting my phone on top of my heart. (about 20 years ago).


ah, I see you photoshopped it. This looks much better, but it looks more like an adult head put on a child’s body. Perhaps next time less editing… hahaa

Yes and the bowl in the middle of the table is clearly wider than his shoulders. This might shock you but the lens on a phone’s camera (especially a wide angle lens) can distort the image so closer things appear much bigger. He is leaning forwards so his head is bigger, he is leaning backwards so his midsection is bigger…

Having glanced through the recent comments on this thread some of the carnivores on it do not come across well at all. Ad hominem attacks about someone’s appearance going by one photo and doing no research into the people they are talking about. Not the kind of behaviour I see elsewhere on this site.