The average diet

I just got back from a week in Lanzarote. I’ve got three kids so to keep the costs down we decided to go ‘all inclusive’. It was a fascinating insight into the average diet. Firstly, how MUCH people were eating. Plates literally piled high with multiple trips to the buffet. Also, how beige peoples choices were. I saw many people with plates containing JUST bread, pasta and chips :exploding_head:. And wow do people drink a lot of alcohol!

Obv this is not an unbiased population sample as these types of resort are more likely to attract working class people but I would say well over 50% were obese (sadly including the kids). Surely if your 10 year old boy has breasts you have to accept some of the responsibility?!


I’ve been to these in Mexico, and while there are a whole price and quality range in terms of the “all inclusive” resorts that I’ve seen there, there definitely is a tendency to for the food to be full of high carb, simple sugar, type dishes, deserts and drinks. The salad bars can sometimes be really good though. But generally, yes - if you’re feeing thousands of people, its probably not all sushi and lightly saute’d vegetables. And what really killed me was that the alcohol cost and consumption is what drives most of the cost of the “food and beverage” costs - so I’m paying for something I’m hardly using.

From a corporate perspective I get it - feed a lot of people as cheaply as possible, but I find its really not much different from the typical grocery store in the US (e.g. Safeway), where I really don’t want to eat much from the “center” of the store, and instead stick to the outside periphery of the store - the fruits/veggies/meats areas of the stores. Its hard, both from a will power aspect, and financial aspect, to eat healthy when 95% of the food in the store is highly processed, high carb foods.

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Ha yes, as a teetotaller I really didn’t get my moneys worth!

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