Sugar alcohols (polyols) and mortality/heart disease risk?

I thought they were safe, esp b/c some sugar alcohols (like trehalose) are pro-longevity, but this complicated things…

Also can someone PDF this article?

Subsequent targeted metabolomics analyses in independent US (n = 2,149, NCT00590200) and European (n = 833, DRKS00020915) validation cohorts of stable patients undergoing elective cardiac evaluation confirmed this association (fourth versus first quartile adjusted hazard ratio (95% confidence interval), 1.80 (1.18–2.77) and 2.21 (1.20–4.07), respectively).

Then Hazen’s group conducted other studies that showed that erythritol seemed to cause clotting of blood in laboratory experiments, and that the compound appeared to increase the risk of clotting in certain genetically engineered mice. Heart attacks and strokes generally begin as clots in blood vessels.

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After that, researchers gave eight volunteers 30 grams of erythritol in a drink, about the amount that might be found in a pint of low-sugar ice cream. They found that blood levels of the compound persisted.

“This is not something we found in just a few people,” said Hazen. “This was a very strong signal.” Both the human observational studies and the studies of human platelets, which are involved in clotting, and in animal models all seem to suggest that higher erythritol levels indicate higher risk of clotting.

If it JUST affects clotting, then it’s a short-term rather than long-term thing that only affects those who are already at high risk, and doesn’t necessarily affect core rate of aging, so I am not too concerned yet. I don’t have a high consumption of it, though I occasionally do indulge in keto bread and energy drinks.


Yikes - I am genetically at high risk for clotting and eat the stuff everyday!!! What a drag :frowning: Back to the drawing board :thinking:

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You can use Scholar if it’s not on sci-hub to request a PDF.

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Seems like the risk is overhyped : More hype than substance: erythritol and cardiovascular risk

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This is an important article because it is a great example of the problem with observational studies.


What a relief - for a moment there I thought my whole world had collapsed :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Gonna do a study that shows wearing XL size clothing causes diabetes. Of course it will be observation study.


Chris Masterjohn agrees that the study is bogus:

Who paid them to do this bad study? Big sugar? Is it really incompetence? Conspiracy theories welcome.