Sources for Veozah and/or Osphena


Off topic, but I need help…

My insurance will not cover…

…Does anyone have a source they can share with me,

for “Veozah,”

and/or “Osphena”?

If afraid to mention source publicly, please message me?

Hoping someone can help…

Thank you so much…


This is Generic name: fezolinetant

It seems it might be available from Indiamart companies:

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hi, thank you so much for those resources, and i apologize for the late reply -

can i ask just a little more of your help? -

do you know of any sources, that have the fezolinant …who we do not have to email to ask to buy (and can just order on their site)? -

i had emailed a few such sites, a while ago

(for another drug, called sulthiame or ospelot,

which may help with SLEEP APNEA, but is not yet approved here in the u.s.

…and i am desperately seeking that one, too,

and will probably wind up asking on here for that in a separate post, for which please forgive me

…i am not getting help from doctors, and am desperate :frowning: )

and never heard back - i don’t know whether i said anything they didn’t like -

i just want to be able to simply order it, if i can…

thanks so much, really hope i can get veozah/fezolinant,

…and sulthiame/ospelot from somewhere -

sleep apnea is the single greatest AGING factor,

and addressing it might literally save people’s lives! :frowning:

God bless!
