Side Effects of Rapamycin (part 2)

Today after taking 20mg of rapamycin… 2.5 hours after GFJ and breakfast… hoping to see a better result for my 24hr blood test. Today in the pool I feel tired… maybe I have been slack but my arms were unusually heavier and fatigue. Anyway, it is winter and I wanted to stay in the heated pool. So how many days do we stop exercising after taking rapamycin? I am thinking of switching to a dinner time dosing but it will screw up my lab data which I cannot do at night for 24 or 48 hours. Unless I start collecting 36 hours or 40 hours data. If I have my rapamycin say at 9pm which should be 3 hours after dinner… my 36 hour test will be at 9am the day after tomorrow. Any suggestions based on your experiences?

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Wow - thats a really high dose. So you’re saying 20mg of actual rapamycin/sirolimus, plus GFJ, so an effective dose of over 60mg+ of rapamycin.

Please let us know the test results.


Likely Siroboon…see his post here:

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But he’s encapsulated the Siroboon now, so it’s a really high dose.


Hmmm, so without encapsulating, Siroboon is one tenth the potency of Rapacan? But encapsulating makes it the same?

Wouldn’t 16 mg of Rapacan with GFJ likely give you an even higher blood level?

My next batch will be Biocon and I’ll compare the data after.

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I always have plenty of activated charcoal pills handy… Even if it is just for tummy ache.


This few days I finally realized I am suffering from tonsillitis. Is that a side effect of sirolimus? It is almost dull unlike any tonsillitis I’ve ever had but when I just checked in the mirror I definitely have very inflamed tonsils. This is my first. Anything passing through my throat hurts but otherwise it is weird it is not giving me a bad sore throat…

apthous ulcers (caused by rapa) can occur on the tonsils. It feels like tonsillitis. Can you see white flat ulcers on your tonsils?


Actually I went to the doctor. It is unrelated. I have tonsillitis but it is not as painful as it normally is. I got a script of penicillin but I might wait a little longer. So weird.

Update… Anyway this morning it decided not to bother me. Just unusual to have such mild tonsillitis.


So, today I took 7 mg of Rapamycin + GFJ and about 39 red itchy bumps on my torso that feel like mosquito bites. However the rest of my body is fine.

Has anyone else had a similar reaction?

There’s more on the torso, but you get the picture. It’s only on the torso, so it probably isn’t mosquitoes?

I did take my regular supplement stack as well after being on a two week vacation break.


Hives? I haven’t had such a reaction from rapa or grapefruit.


It seems I may have developed an allergy to something.


From Google:

  • Food allergies

Hives can appear within 30 minutes to 1 hour after eating a food that triggers an allergic reaction. Common food allergens that can cause hives include peanuts, shellfish, eggs, nuts, milk, soy, and wheat. If you have a latex allergy, hives can also be triggered by bananas, chestnuts, kiwis, or mangos, but they usually appear 12–24 hours after eating.

  • Additives

Hives can appear 12–24 hours after exposure to additives in foods, vitamins, supplements, spices, cosmetics, skin care products, toothpaste, and other products.

  • Medications

Hives can appear immediately, days, weeks, or years after starting to take a medication, such as antibiotics, aspirin, or ibuprofen.

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I think this probably is rapamycin inhibiting an immune response. There are two options as to why I don’t have the same response.

One is that I am not actually taking Rapamycin, but a well fabricated fraudulent drug from two different vendors. Occams Razor says that this is not true.

The other that is with me taking a lot of citrate my cells have already killed off lots of infections which otherwise would require the immune system to create new immune cells. Hence switching off that system (temporarily) has no obvious effects.

To explain this a bit more. Cells have an ability to fight things they wish to fight without bringing in the immune system. This is done by using ROS from the cytosol. That requires acetyl-CoA.

Hence if you have a young cell with lots of acetyl-CoA it can fight things like warts that older cells cannot

Hence, as people get older their cells tolerate things that younger cells would resist. Hence there gets to be a continual battle between the immune system and infections where the infections are never actually got rid of, but just reduced.

However, it is possible to increase the ability to fight this at a cellular level. Hence the infection is got rid of and when the immune system is reduced in an attempt to increase autophagy there are no infections to cause difficulties.


No side effects I could attribute to Rap in 2 years.

6mg every 2 weeks - grapefruit the night before and taken with spoonful of EVOO the next morning.

I took some Claritin and the itchiness, redness and size decreased. So, the hives definitely appear to be an allergy to something.

Is that your normal dosage?

No. I am pushing the boundaries. This is my highest dosage and it appears I have found my boundary. I’ll go back to 6 or 5 mg. I have noticed these itchy spots before when I have taken 6 mg, but I never tied them to the Rapamycin before because it was only 2-3, and not 39. I’ll keep my same stack and just decrease the Rapamycin dose to 6 mg + GFJ and see what happens next time.

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One interesting thing about these hives is that they appear in the exact same location (for the ones I had before). I wonder if they are inflamed cysts (I have a history of sebaceous cyst infections) or lymph nodes? My bet is on sebaceous cysts.

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