Reverse Gray Hair, Hair Repigmentation

New to the forum! Is Dr. Weinstein still actively trying to fundraise? I’ve fundraised from VCs in healthtech and recently exited my first company. At the very least, I could offer warm intros to VCs looking to place bets on something like this.

Yes, I’m here because my first company gave me a grey or two : )


Welcome. I contacted him via LinkedIn and then spoke to him by phone - yes, I suspect he’d be interested in talking with you if you think you might have some leads. Send me a DM and I’ll send you his contact info.


Hi im new to this thread but very interested, I dont know when ill have time to read through 500+ posts.

I did see there were a few experiments on going. Can anyone summarize rhe conversation or how the experiments went?

New study on hair repigmentation and androgenetic alopecia.

Hair repigmentation of poliosis circumscripta in androgenetic alopecia patient treated with exosomes and fractional picosecond laser

Exosomes, extracellular vesicles, have been shown to play a central role in hair morphogenesis and regeneration,1 with the potential for use in the treatment of alopecia and other trichologic conditions.2 The preclinical3 and clinical evidence support their effectiveness in combination with microneedle therapy.4 Moreover, exosomes have demonstrated a crucial role in regulating pigmentation, especially in the interplay between keratinocytes and melanocytes within the epidermal melanin unit.5 Positioned prominently in this unit, keratinocytes secrete exosomes containing soluble factors and microRNAs (miRNAs), influencing pigmentation modulation and skin homeostasis.6 However, the role of exosomes in hair repigmentation, especially in conditions such as poliosis, remains understudied. Therefore, this research investigates the case of a 38-year-old male with androgenetic alopecia (AGA) and poliosis circumscripta—a localized patch of white hair. The study explores the efficacy of exosomes in combination with fractional picosecond laser (FPL) treatment, focusing on addressing both AGA and promoting repigmentation in white hair patches.

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There is a lot of evidence of medications that reverse gray hair, in fact it is much more common than hair regrowth. I don’t understand how there isn’t a single company that is dedicated to researching this, when it would take them much less time and they would have much less competition from other companies.

I just diid a quick google search for “medicine to get rid of gray hair” and a lot of junk came up (mostly ads for snake oil “miracle cures” for which i have no way to measure effectiveness), but i didn’t see any pub med reviews/nature articles/ Nobel prizes/etc where some somewhat eminent scientist provides a list of multiple medicines that have been clearly proven to work with good efficacy. Have you seen such a paper? — if there is I will happily look harder (i don’t expect you to “be my librarian” and fetch it for me). If not, where to you recommend i should look for guidance on this? (I am very slightly thinning but i also have a lot of gray id like gone, and i don’t really want to dye anything because i kinda want to use my grey hair as a litmus of my biologic aging/health changes)

Thank you.

Here is one i found quickly:

Here’s the money-quote:

Unless you’re willing to dye your hair, you can’t restore hair that’s already gone gray to its former color.

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Latest research seems to suggest gray hair is due to melanocytes stem cells being ‘stuck’.

Im curious if doing a 72hr fast which should trigger new stells, curious if anyone has run this expirament.

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I certainly don’t see more hair growth from doing regular four-day water fasts. Same as it ever was.


Baricitinib is a janus kinase inhibitor which can inhibit the effects of il-10

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Those of you in the US, how are you getting GR7?

I’ve ordered on their site a few times and they shipped directly to the US for a fee. Bryan Johnson has a discount code on his blueprint site. Works great by the way. Very pleased with the results. Hair and beard. You need to follow the directions closely for the initial period and then keep it up 2-3x a week.


How much off did you get with B. Johnson’s code?

I believe it was 10%

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You never answered my question, did you dye your hair or the result is because of you using GR7?

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I just heard about BMS-202 ….sounds promising.
Did you actually try it?

Did someone already try BMS-202 for reversing grey hair?
I am willing to order it .
Please, let me know any information.
Thank you, Oksana

I’ve received it, but haven’t tried it yet. Too much on my plate right now. Will report back when I do it.

Did you see this: Group Buy for Hair Loss, Gray Hair Reversal, and Anti-Aging

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Yes, I have read, but couldn’t understand if someone actually tried it until now?
Would you be so kind to recommend me the pharmacy from where you ordered it? Are you going to use it topical or oral?
Is there something else that help with grey hair? I would like to hear your advice.
Thank you, Oksana