Reverse engineering

Like many of you, I have used Aging.AI3.0 to guess my age in order to assess the results of my recent labwork. Aging.AI is a deep neural network trained on hundreds of thousands of human blood tests.

Unfortunately, like all neural networks, Aging.AI is a black box. Which of my biomarkers are good, and which could use improvement? Of those with opportunity for improvement, which would have the greatest impact? Is a higher or lower value more strongly associated with a youthful phenotype for a given biomarker?

To answer these questions, I’ve written - a Python script which supports:

  • Collecting predictions for various points across the reference range for all biomarker, keeping the other biomarkers constant
  • Generating scatter plots and regressions of the predictions
  • Calculating the optimal value for each biomarker, given a set of predictions
  • Calculating the potential year reduction for each biomarker by achieving the optimal value

My chronological age is 33 and predicted an age of 24. By achieving optimal values on all biomarkers, I could achieve a predicted age as low as 5.


Biomarker Actual Optimal Optimized age Years gained
Albumin 4.7 5.1 22 2
Glucose 96 72.48 21 3
Urea 21 16.98 24 0
Cholesterol 102 100 24 0
Protein_total 6.8 6.15 24 0
Sodium 140 137 23 1
Creatinine 1.05 0.57 18 6
Hemoglobin 14.1 13.98 24 0
Bilirubin_total 0.4 0.05 23 1
Triglycerides 43 5 23 1
HDL_Cholesterol 59 40.83 24 0
LDL_cholesterol 31 47.3 24 0
Calcium 9.4 10.19 22 2
Potassium 4.6 4.42 24 0
Hematocrit 42.8 44.02 24 0
MCHC 32.9 35.66 23 1
MCV 88.4 79 22 2
Platelets 211 319.46 23 1
Erythrocytes 4.84 5.26 23 1

But improving just three biomarkers (glucose, albumin, and creatinine) to optimal would lower my predicted age to 15.


After calculating regressions for predictions across the all biomarker reference ranges, I also discovered some interesting patterns: Biomarker Predictions and Regressions

Biomarkers where lower is better:

  • Bilirubin
  • Cholesterol (Total)
  • Creatinine
  • Glucose (plateau at 80)
  • HDL (plateau at 64)
  • MCV
  • Protein (plateau at 7.2)
  • Triglycerides

Biomarkers where higher is better:

  • Albumin (plateau at 5)
  • Calcium
  • Erythrocytes
  • MCHC

Biomarkers with a u-shaped curve:

  • Hematocrit
  • Hemoglobin
  • LDL
  • Platelets
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Urea

(“better” = Lower predicted age)

Please feel free to use to calculate your own optimal biomarker values - after testing with a few different sample sets, it appears that optimal values can vary significantly between individuals.


Awesome effort! Thanks for posting this, very helpful.

This looks fantastic! Unfortunately I’m getting a 404 error when following the link. Is it just me?

Me too. Just wanted to ask for the right link.

Sorry about that, it should be fixed! I had forgotten to change the repository visibility.

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