Researchers: Worms fed a natural plant extract Artemisia scoparia live 40% longer

This is interesting, but early (most c.elegans lifespan tests don’t translate to mammals). I hope we can see some mouse studies with this compound soon:

While the worms who lived the longest were fed Artemisia scoparia during the time they reached reproductive maturity, or adulthood, Bohnert’s team also observed significant effects in worms treated for the first time in middle age. Instead of a 40% increase in lifespan, these worms still managed to live about 20% longer.

The study offers a first look at how Artemisia scoparia could change aging and longevity. It also reinforces the connection between metabolic health, fat regulation and longer lifespans.

“Usually people think of fat as ‘bad,’ but in these cases, it seems good, and actually pro-longevity,” Bohnert said. “Artemisia scoparia could have some exciting potential as a dietary supplement.”

There is currently no recommendation for humans to take Artemisia scoparia as a supplement or any indication of what an effective and safe dosage could be. The researchers investigated several kinds of related plant extracts and only observed positive effects on fat regulation and longevity with Artemisia scoparia. Common wormwood, Artemisia absinthium , used as an ingredient in the alcoholic beverage absinthe, is moderately poisonous and was not included in the study.


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