Rapamycin User Report 17 Weeks; From Age 65 to 37?

The photo age calculator is completely bogus, IMO. For example; two people with exactly the same age results on the Morgan Levine-derived age calculator, but have different appearances resulting from genetics, sun exposure, etc. would have different age results. Also, I tried it with slightly different lighting and a few degrees off-center and of course, it gave different age results. There is no review, at least that I could find, of people with the same epigenetic methylation age testing showing that the results are accurate.


A picture isn’t always worth a thousand words!


What’s the best site for photo age calculator? Never used one. Would be interesting to try.

The one I used was: https://howolddoyoulook.com/
The main advantage of this one is it is online and requires no download.
This one guessed my age as 68 (I am 82) so I take it with a grain of salt.
It will guess different ages depending on which picture you upload.