Rapamycin solution storage and freeze thaw cycles

i have often read regarding rapamycin - avoid freeze thaw cycles. But have never read anything , other than these likely opinionated or ‘hold harmless’ remarks from vendors, as to any experimental proofs to these statements. Seems IT would not apply to just the raw powder so i assume it must be ones stock solution eg micellar solutions for example.
Has anyone read any conclusive exact experimental comparisons regarding this ? only things i have read are when it is in blood or something biological and not just the stock solution itself.

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I suppose it may depend on how it is packaged. Sirolimus (Zydus) packets say “store below 25 C” but nothing about freezing. Expiration date is two years after Manufacture date.

Solutions may be an entirely different stability.

I’m not sure what a freeze thaw cycle is, but I have been storing my extra rapamycin in the freezer, wrapped to avoid moisture.

just talking about the solid supplie it makes no sense as the solid is already ‘frozen’ so how do u thaw it.

yea so have i so in this case where does the freeze come in as assume the sold is always frozen so without more detail what does one mean by freeze-thaw . he couldn’t mean heat it so much rapamycin could not become liquid or does he mean that - i would certainly think noit.