Rapamycin + Keto Questions

Thank you! I appreciate the insights.

This recent discussion on twitter touches upon some of these issues brought up here:


I’m considering making turkey a go-to meat since it is unusually low in BCAAs, even compared to many plant sources. Since I get a moderate amount of protein overall (85g-ish g/day), I don’t think would exacerbate any sarcopenia problems.

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Similar to what RapAdmin posted, it seems that you want periodic increases and decreases. I thought Dennis had a good tweet describing this.

I guess in the instance where Rapa is involved, there will be the daily fluctuations + weekly fluctuations brought about by the rapa.

He goes on to say that: In aging and chronic disease, the sine wave is flatter. Preventing the sine wave from flattening can prevent chronic disease and slow aging.

Source: https://twitter.com/Mangan150/status/1026843562078494720

It’s an analogy, rather than a study, so its accuracy is limited. However, we can imagine that in the case of chronic overeating, the sine wave would be flatter - and this would not be good. Similarly when people overeat glucose containing foods, the sine wave would be flatter, as insulin levels would stay elevated.


Another way to implement Ketosis in your diet:

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About Alzheimer, this is interesting:

“We took a unique approach by targeting APOE4 because the usual drug targets, amyloid-beta and tau, have not produced a convincingly effective drug for people with AD despite decades of work,” said Johnson.

The researchers screened 595 compounds in a drug library from the National Institutes of Health and identified several compounds that specifically blocked the effect of APOE4 on Alzheimer amyloid formation.

“We then looked into the huge National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center (NACC) database and asked what happened when someone was prescribed these drugs for normal indications but happened to be Alzheimer’s patients,” Potter said.

That’s when they found that psychiatric patients with AD using imipramine and olanzapine showed significant improvement in AD symptoms.

“The only things these drugs have in common is that they block the catalytic effect of APOE4 on the formation of amyloids in the brain,” Potter said, referring to the proteins that form clumps and disrupt cell function in AD.

The results were surprising.

“Our analyses show that, compared to the control populations, subjects taking imipramine or olanzapine had improved cognition and diagnoses, which are direct clinical measures of disease severity,” the study said. “Notably, in our drug screen, we found that imipramine and olanzapine strongly inhibited the apoE4-catalyzed fibrillization of Aβ (amyloid beta), whereas none of the other antidepressants or antipsychotics whose use was reported in the NACC database had any such activity and none showed any benefit for AD patients.”


β-hydroxybutyrate as an Anti-Aging Metabolite

The ketone bodies, especially β-hydroxybutyrate (β-HB), derive from fatty acid oxidation and alternatively serve as a fuel source for peripheral tissues including the brain, heart, and skeletal muscle. β-HB is currently considered not solely an energy substrate for maintaining metabolic homeostasis but also acts as a signaling molecule of modulating lipolysis, oxidative stress, and neuroprotection. Besides, it serves as an epigenetic regulator in terms of histone methylation, acetylation, β-hydroxybutyrylation to delay various age-related diseases. In addition, studies support endogenous β-HB administration or exogenous supplementation as effective strategies to induce a metabolic state of nutritional ketosis. The purpose of this review article is to provide an overview of β-HB metabolism and its relationship and application in age-related diseases. Future studies are needed to reveal whether β-HB has the potential to serve as adjunctive nutritional therapy for aging.

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New information posted here often leads me down rabbit holes looking for related information.
Today the BHB post led me to HMB. I really don’t know how I missed this one. BTW, I was taking BHB when I was on a keto diet. It works quite well.

At this stage of my life, I like to experiment with new supplements that might preserve or enhance muscle mass. HMB looks to be promising even for those who don’t exercise.

“Conclusion: Our findings suggest that HMB has a positive effect on body composition and strength, especially in bedridden or sedentary elderly, due to its anticatabolic properties.”

“Supplemental HMB has been used in clinical trials as a treatment for preserving lean body mass in muscle wasting conditions, particularly sarcopenia, and has been studied in clinical trials as an adjunct therapy in conjunction with resistance exercise.[11][16][30] Based upon two medical reviews and a meta-analysis of seven randomized controlled trials, HMB supplementation can preserve or increase lean muscle mass and muscle strength in sarcopenic older adults.”

“The essential amino acid leucine and its metabolite β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (HMB) have also received increased interest during recent years and are now widely used by sportsmen and bodybuilders as nutritional anabolic supplements. Both human and animal studies have shown effects on protein synthesis, muscle hypertrophy, decreased muscle damage and muscle soreness, modulation of the cholesterol profile and even improved emotional status”

“HMB is among the supplements, which can be recommended for all sport disciplines
by Piotr Kaczka et al. 219 © Editorial Committee of Journal of Human Kinetics regardless of sex and age. HMB supplementation reduces post exercise muscle damage, and thus accelerates recovery. It also allows for increases in lean body mass, improved strength and aerobic capacity.”


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And HMB is pretty cheap and doesn’t taste bad. I have been taking it for about a year. Not really sure if it does anything to be honest (unlike creatine, beta alanine and citrulline malate) but as I said it doesn’t taste bad and it’s generally regarded as safe even at high dosages

I use a small amount of KE4 for a rapid source of ketone bodies. It is quite expensive and the taste is not ideal, but I only take 5ml at a time.

Otherwise there is MCT which has some effect as well as the above.

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May I ask how you take your citrulline malate? I have about a pound of it sitting.
I was encapsulating it but the procedure became tiresome and I stopped taking it.

With baking soda, around 1 to 2 parts citrulline and 1 part baking soda. I take it around 30-60 minutes before cycling

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A good overview of ketone body Beta-hydroxybutyrate by Buck Institute researcher Eric Verdin:

and related…

There are various ways of experimenting with Ketones without going ketonic. Ketone Esther and MCT oil are two of those ways. In the end I personally think it is best to see what impact it personally has.

This may be repetitive, as posters have already mentioned taking HMB to avoid muscle wasting. But new research (in mice naturally) suggests that it may also be effective in preventing Alzheimer’s, which many regard as a fate they would rather not have.


Im experiencing loss of appetite and some loss of taste - any one ??

I think Rapa does contribute to loss of appetite. A side effect which I welcome and helped me lose about 30 lbs and keep it off. I don’t think I have ever lost my sense of taste, but I don’t need it for much anyway.

My problem with keto and Rapa was leg cramps when I went for a run. That was my worst side effect by far and I’m not sure if it was Rapa or keto since I started them at the same time. I have not had the trouble since I started running every other day and backed off the Rapa dose as well. But before that I think my body somehow got used to it anyway.

I also have noticed this lack of appetite but Im already too thin so its worrisome

In mouse studies they see a reduction of weight in the subjects taking rapamycin, but in humans generally we don’t see this. Some studies, and people, report a reduction in visceral fat while taking rapamycin (a good thing for most of us).

We’ve had a bit of a discussion on this topic here: Rapamycin and Visceral Fat Reduction

I have noticed a general lack of interest in food ( Maybe Im part mouse?)