Rapamycin for Hair Growth and Hair Pigmentation

You could add in melatonin, it has a lot of good properties and is cheap. I just started a using 0,5% solution (added it to my minoxidil solution);


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IMO makes way more sense to try darolutamide or pyrilutamide before RU-58841. Yes, we know RU-58841 likely works from the strength of anecdotal reports, but the many reports of chest pain, etc make it seem too risky.

Darolutamide otoh is FDA approved for prostate cancer since 2019, and is given at ridiculously high oral dosages. Outside of potential issues with blocking androgen receptors, it seems pretty safe. It also seems to have fewer adverse effects than enzalutamide or apalutamide.

Pyrilutamide recently failed phase III (despite significant improvement from baseline), but this is probably due to low concentration of 0.5%. Considering people are using RU-58841 at 5-8%, or even higher, we likely need higher dosage of pyrilutamide. A few people on Reddit reporting great results with pyrilutamide.


Also regarding rapamycin and hair growth, I know @RapAdmin has linked the following paper which showed rapamycin could increase expression and activity of LDH enzyme.

This is a very important enzyme for hair follicle stem cells, see for example

This mechanism of LDH upregulation is very similar to that of PP405, which begins phase II trials for AGA in 2024


Qing Yu Christina Weng, MD, the company’s chief medical officer, told Dermatology Times , “the phase 1 trial was a randomized control study with topical dosing of either PP405, our small molecule treatment, or placebo for 7 days, focusing on safety and pharmacokinetics. The cohort included 20 male subjects with androgenetic alopecia, and we look forward to enrolling both women and men in our phase 2a trial.

I contacted Pelage about participation criteria for phase 2a. We shall see…


no way dont order from there. I wouldnt play games with shady alibaba sources. Only 2 places sell authentic and tested RU-58841. I used it a lot before my transplant. Thankfully no need anymore.
Chemyo: RU58841 | Buy RU-58841 50mg/ml – 50ml Solution | Chemyo ✅
Anagen: https://anageninc.com/ru58841-solution-50ml.html

In the beginning it did work great, but even though I considered it safe we never know the risks of it. A hair transplant was probably the best and easiest thing I have done. If your balding or thinning is quite obvious just get the transplant.



How did the bitmatoprost powder and hair formulation (more generally) work for you? What formulation did you settle on for your hair tonic? Any success?

There’s no question I have more facial hair than I used to… and that is what I’ve been using it for. But I can’t say for certain what was the cause, since I’ve also been using Minox and Rapam along with the bimatoprost.
As far as my scalp, I haven’t done much other than oral minoxidil, since I still have a pretty good hairline, however, I may start on finasteride.


I wonder how effective Saw Palmetto is. In studies it seems like there is an improvement of hair density, it’s not as strong as finasteride but may also have less side effects.

I don’t believe there is a clinical trial showing significant improvement or at least maintenance in hair counts with SP. Given that it’s a supplement, effects and side effects are also obviously understudied, i.e. not necessarily safer than finasteride.

Stress has been anecdotally related to a variety of changes in tissues, including hair greying. The mechanism by which stress causes hair greying has been dissected. Hair pigmentation is controlled by melanocytes, which are derived from melanocyte stem cells (MeSCs) in hair follicles. At anagen, a tiny number of MeSCs are activated and differentiated into melanocytes that migrate downward to the hair bulb and synthesize melanin which colors the newly regenerated hair. The other MeSCs remain in the stem cell niche of hair follicle and are activated in subsequent cycles. At catagen, mature melanocytes are destroyed. Moreover, under stress, the body’s sympathetic nervous system releases noradrenaline (NA), which acts directly on the β2-adrenoceptor of hair follicle bulge, causes almost all MeSCs to lose quiescence and undergo rapid proliferation followed by differentiation and migration, leading to their loss in the niche, which eventually leads to hair greying in subsequent cycles. Even so, there is still no product available to treat and prevent hair greying currently. Therefore, blocking NA action on the β2-adrenoceptor is a key to preventing melanin stem cell depletion and hair greying. β2-adrenoceptor blockers have been used for many years and are widely used to treat diseases such as hypertension and asthma, and their safety is guaranteed [11]. Propranolol is one of the most classic β2-adrenoceptor blockers, and we selected it as the positive control for subsequent operations and experiments.

Mice treated with propranolol and isoliensinine showed a significant reduction in the area of white hair on the dorsal skin. Statistical analysis result showed that propranolol and isoliensinine significantly reduced the grey hair ratios to 7.5% and 9.6%, respectively, (P < 0.05). Above-mentioned data suggested that isoliensinine effectively inhibit the stress-induced hair greying.


The result showed that gray hair areas on the RTX-treated control mice was 28.5%, while with the treatment of propranolol and rhynchophylline, gray hair areas were significantly reduced to 7.5% and 8.2%, respectively. We further analyzed the single cell transcriptome data from previous studies and confirmed β2AR are dominantly expressed on melanocytes, in both mice and human skin.

As mentioned above, in our study, NA treated cells showed changes in calcium signals, cell apoptosis, and down-regulation of melanin synthesis, which were prevented after the addition of Rhynchophylline. Therefore, we proposed a hypothesis that NA affects calcium homeostasis by regulating cAMP pathway, which further leads to cell apoptosis and affects melanin production. However, the deeper connection between these pathways needs to be further explored.

So, if you’re worried about graying, you can either use topical propranolol or take it as a pill.


What’s the best commercially available shampoo for hair growth, or to prevent hair loss? Currently I’m using the Intelligent brand Intelligent Super Volumizing Shampoo – Intelligent Shop

Curious if there is anything else out there I should consider… not interested in making my own at this time

Does DHT cause hair loss even in those without genetic susceptibility to it? Meaning that it just takes longer time. For example people with high LDL levels get atheroschlerosis faster than those with lower levels, but they eventually get it too, so is it the same with DHT?

Dutasteride taken as a pill. The next best thing is finasteride, taken as a pill or topically.

In my broscience view, the relationship between DHT, androgen receptors and hair follicles is the same as between apoB, cell walls and blood vessels. High DHT (apoB) + lots of androgen receptors (high permittability) => rip hair follicle (lots of plaque buildup and rupture). Moderate DHT and moderate number of androgen receptors and you only develop hairloss starting only in your 30s or 40s.


I feel my hair growth seemed to slow down (significantly) while I was taking Rapa. It seemed stuck at waist length, whereas since I stopped Rapa it has grown quite a bit. Is this something others have experienced also?

In folklore, pumpkin has a reputation of reducing libido. “Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater, had a wife and couldn’t keep her.”


Anyone heard of using aloe vera pulp and rosemary tea mixed for hair growth and hair pigmentation?

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Omg as a 71 year old woman, you’re saying I can get Rapamycin to put on my face for wrinkles? I was going to stop the oral……but this I’m all in. ,-) And I didn’t even know I could get minoxidil OTC as no hair issues until just recently. Gonna get some of that! Glad I saw your post. TY.


Has the group addressed all the hair vitamins on the market and if anything is worth trying?

My friend has been raving about this Mary Ruth supplement, but I wonder if there is a real benefit to this, or any of the competing brands… thoughts?

Unless you have deficiencies, don’t bother.