Rapamycin for Eyes

Wow! 4 points is huge! you wouldn’t even get that with OHT drops. Best wishes on your journey. Please keep us posted.


On the other hand, I had a retinal detachment in early 2022 while taking weekly rapamycin (6mg). I first had vitreous detachment (which comes with it a risk of RD in the ensuing 6 weeks), so I stopped the rapa for a full 8 weeks. Figuring I was out of the woods, I restarted it and the very next day had retinal detachment requiring emergency surgery. I’ve been scared to restart oral rapamycin ever since, even if it’s all just coincidental, since I’m also at future risk of RD in the other eye.


Paper: CRB1-associated retinal degeneration is dependent on bacterial translocation from the gut (Cell)

Source: https://x.com/EricTopol/status/1762178581520912733?s=20