Rapamycin fatigue

Hello all. I have reduced my weekly, 6mg rapa dose to 6mg every two weeks. When I take the 6mg dose, it knocks me on my a$$ for 2 straight days! 10+ hours of sleep each day and feeling fatigued in between. I am thinking of taking the rapa every two weeks but at 2mg a day for 3 or 4 days then repeat two weeks later. I am a 60 yr old male, good shape and active. Semaglutide does the same thing but I haven’t taken that for months now. I take the semaglutide as a cycle to cut a few pounds when I think I need to as part of my workout routine. Vitamin B complex hasn’t helped, nor has caffeine tablets. Any thoughts on the fatigue? John

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From a non- doctor, reduce your dosage to start.


If you don’t mind me asking, what is your weight? Are you on the lighter side? Ever take the rapamycin with other things that might increase or decrease bioavailability (like grapefruit juice, etc.)? Any history of health issues in any significant degree?

I’m in the same age range, typically in the 160lb to 170lb (72 to 77kg) range, but working to lower it, athletic and always have been but nothing extreme, and my experience is very different… I barely notice the 6mg to 12mg a week I’ve been taking for years. Never much of a change in anything from a negative standpoint… but more energy, better sleep, etc… all positive from my experience (though lipids are up, and I’m on a statin).

I’m always wondering what is driving the vast differences in response to rapamycin… it seems odd that you and I have such a different response given what seem to be very similar age and fitness profiles…


My fatigue has been reduced by one of the new supplements I am taking. It’s either

A. 6-8 g of Taurine daily
B. 5 mg of Rosuvastatin daily
C. 500 mg of Metformin daily

Or the combination of the 3.

I feel energized instead of fatigued now but I am a little hazy on the first day after dosing. My bet is on the taurine for the extra energy.

You may want to try it and see if it helps.


Totally agree. Try 2 mg a week x a month, then 4 mg a week.

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To be entirely honest, I have no idea what I’m doing with rapa. It might be that the worse I feel taking rapa, the more good it is doing. But since no one knows anything, I’m going to rely on whether I feel better or worse in the short run, and on my health markers for improving or deteriorating health over the long run, to guide my dosing level and frequency. And I’m going to stay close to what has “worked” (healthspan only) for other humans. I recently went high and long; I didn’t like it. Coming back down.


Yes, I think high and long may not be the best in this case. From what I have gleaned, it seems like an optimal effective dose can start at 3 mg and go to about 12 mg equivalence. The biggest influence appears to be size and age. The smaller and older you are, the smaller the effective dose.

My sweet spot seems to be between 7-10 mg equivalent. 2-3 mg + GFJ + EVOO along with the rest of my stack.

So I am going to change my weekly dosage between 7 and 10 mg every week.


Depends whether you are sleepy or tired really

I weigh around 178, athletic build, 5’ 8”. I don’t dare take grapefruit juice with it. I also take oxandrolone and testosterone. I cycle HGH at 2 units with 2 days off every week. None of those meds should interact with rapa. I did hear the older rapa pathologist doc from NY say he had a tough time with fatigue at first but it went away after a few months. I am taking rapa to reduce brain fog and arthritis in my hands from too many years on a computer. I think the rapa is helping and am hoping to work up to the 6mg weekly. John


I’m 5’3", 101 lbs. I took 4 mg, and was tired to my bones for about 3 days.

The next week, I took 4 mg, and was tired for the first day but not as tired as I felt the first few days of my first week.

The third week and beyond, I don’t feel anything unusual anymore, but my skin is looking amazing. Body-wise, I feel about 11 years old, but I did before I started taking it.

I’m also using it topically at around 0.2%.I suspect it has synergistic effects with tretinoin and tazarotene but it will be a long time before somebody writes a paper to confirm.


I worked up to 4mg a week over a month’s time. It felt like really bad jet-lag at 4mg; wired and tired, headache, incredibly thirsty, insomnia. I’m now trying 2mg, 2 x week and feel much better. Will stay at that for awhile before trying to increase. I’m 5’5" 120 lbs.


I was not on such a high dose but I became extremely low in iron. While it is good to be low (or at least not good to be high. . .), you might have reduced your iron enough to make you fatigued.


I had some of the same issues, albeit with a higher dose than that.
You might want to try my schedule and see if it works for you.
1 mg daily, for a total weekly dose of 7 mg, then one week off. The AUC will actually be larger than a 7mg pulse dose. Check your common bio-markers to see how you are doing.


Hi John,
A dysregulated gut microbiome can cause fatigue. Last year a human clinical trial with Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics was published. In a 12-week placebo-controlled trial, ALL subjects taking Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics recorded significant reductions in fatigue & greater energy. Here is a link to a review of this study published in Whole Foods magazine: Study Demonstrates Anti-Fatigue Effect of Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics | WholeFoods Magazine.

Also…here is a link for a FREE pdf copy of a booklet I wrote titled Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics & Postbiotic Metabolites, which explains the important role that postbiotic metabolites play in regulating health.


Hello John,
Sometimes rapamycin lowers iron and hemoglobin levels, which can result in fatigue. Have a lab panel done and check these values.


Here is another human study with Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics. The participants were 6 long distance runners They initially did an intense long distance run followed by blood work. They then ingested 3 capsules od Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics daily for 3 weeks. They then repeated the same long distance run.
RESULTS: After taking Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics for 3 weeks, blood work following the 2nd long distance run revealed the following: 8.4% icrease in hemoglobin, increase in VOsmax from 48.2 to 63 ml/kg/min; substantial increase in the lactate threshhold; increase in cardiac output from 11.65 to 20.0 L/min. IMPROVING THE GUT MICROBIOME RESULTS IN INCREASED STRENGHT, STAMINA, ENERGY & ENDURANCE