Rapamycin = Eating less + A Bunch of Side effect?

There were no other negative effects at that time besides may be a mouth sore. I believe that the dose or frequency caused it. As soon as I adjusted the dose and increased the time in between, acne disappeared. I never had skin outbreaks like acne even when a teenager. It’s very unusual for me.


Not equivalent to decreasing metabolism, and it’s unlikely humans can duplicate the effects of rapamycin by eating less. And in any case, recent research shows that in calorie restriction, it’s fasting doing the job, not fewer calories.

Side effects of rapa are not severe.


I feel the same way-

I’ve been taking 6-12mg of rapa for six months with no side effects. (8 weeks on 4 weeks off)

Now after all these months the 6mg w GF is giving me mouth sores… Blood test are fine no change. it’s uncomfortable -but not stopping!


It’s a sign that something is out of order, even as seemingly insignificant as a mouth sore. I would eliminate GJ or go down to 4mg. IMHO it’s important to find balance. It takes time and trials to find it. That balance is different for everybody.


Albeit as I’ve mentioned I experience quite some side-effects, if I stay at the same dose with time the side-effects seem to lessen somewhat - not intensify.


Would you mind linking that research? TRF (time-restricted feeding) is in some studies seen as an additive when it comes to the beneficial effects of CR. But there are a lot of studies that point out that CR in itself, with or without TRF, yields beneficial results (in rodents at least).

As to side-effects being not severe: that would of course differ per person/scenario. If you do end up with an infection and are not on top of it, side-effects may potentially get more serious. (Anecdotally I had a small wound that got infected and required antibiotics - a similar wound in the past never gave me issues).

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Thank you! Great advice!

“But there are a lot of studies that point out that CR in itself, with or without TRF, yields beneficial results (in rodents at least).”

Yes, but for most people, TRF will work without calorie counting and it’s a lot easier to do. Just move breakfast up 1 hour at a time until you are doing a 16/8 or 18/6 feeding schedule. Using a feeding window that starts earlier in the day is slightly better than a later window. A later window is more socially adaptive because for many because supper is the main meal of the day. After you have been doing this for a while, morning hunger will go away.


But TRF without CR does not yield the same results as CR, as far as I’m aware based on the research I’ve seen.

For me at least, TRF did and does restrict calories naturally. After being on TRF for a while I actually had to force myself to eat more.
Currently my BMI is ~2.1, and that is as low as I want to go.
TRF and rapamycin has maintained my weight at a surprising even level regardless of what I choose to eat. Rapamycin seem to have a great equalizing effect on me.


TRF seems to work only in the presence of some degree of CR. Might not have to be extreme.
tRF seems to work best if the eating interval is primarily during the hours of greatest activity, in other words aligned with the natural circadian rhythm.

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Indeed I’ve also seen studies that suggest TRF aligned with the natural circadian rhythm yields the best results.

I may be contradicting my earlier comment, but in some discussions of the CRsociety it was argued that many CR studies in rodents ‘automatically’ include some degree of TRF, even if these studies don’t especially focus on TRF. Basically it was argued that these rodents are commonly fed once or twice per day and since they experience such hunger they will eat the food almost instantly after feeding - which results in a limited eating window in a lot of these CR studies. So reconsidering that argument, that makes me wonder now if we are really able to distinguish the benefits of CR from CR + TRF - since most studies may include some degree of TRF.
Not sure what the eating window was of the rhesus monkeys in the Wisconsin and NIA study.

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Hot off the press, this looks at the interrelationships of CR, inflammation and aging. TLR4 is at the center of this as described by the Conboy’s.

Importantly, rapamycin downregulates the expression of these toll like receptors.


Sash, if you get a bit of rash on various parts of the body that itches, as I do, the only thing I found that is of benefit is hydrocortisone cream twice a day, especially after a shower.


Will give it a try; thanks Jay!