44F with Long Covid. Was in very good shape prior to it. Main symptoms are chronic fatigue, brain fog.
I want to know how I can get a prescription for Rapamycin for Canada (Quebec). I didn’t find anything recent on this website regarding it. Unable to find a private Lab like AgelessRx that would ship here and offer the medical supervision that goes with it. I know that some people here got it prescribed by their LC internist. Didn’t find anybody on my end that would do it.
I am really looking forward to try this med.
I’ll take any benefit it can bring.
Thank you kindly,
Hi, I’ve not seen any people reporting that they can get a prescription for rapamycin in Canada yet - but I may have missed something. We have discussions on all the possible ways to get rapamycin on this page - review all the links and you’ll see discussions from Canadians who have imported it, or had it delivered to friends in the US and picked up later.
I was getting my rapa from a long term supplier who has a contract with an Indian firm. However, North Drugstore in Canada carries rapa. Their prices are about the same as those charged by my US supplier who contracts with India. I use him because he takes on the uncertainties and occasional hassles of dealing with the India market. He has a tracking system linked to the India postal system and replaces a shipment at no charge if it doesn’t arrive.
The price is high when compared with going direct to an Indian agent. I had email exchanges with many of the one-off retail agents and decided to stick with my US agent who takes his share to deal with issues of date codes, counterfeits, grey markets, customs seizures, etc. For example, his ER metformin supplier was the only one in India not found to have the carcinogenic contamination several years back. His business is so large that he has secured a high volume contract. I have not counted but there must be ~250 pharmaceuticals in his catalog. No narcotics or injectables of course. Pretty much everything else. For North, you’re looking at a basic retail pharmacy that has developed a strong US business. Their prices are decent on many drugs.