Rapamycin and taurine together?

Do we believe this is a good combination as Taurine can also inhibit MTOR?

Do we know that Taurine inhibits mTOR? In vitro study, but it indicate a possible risk if mTOR activation.

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Here is a review focusing on Taurine and Sarcopenia. A good review, Section 2.5 discusses Taurine and mTOR activation. I am not, at this point, questioning the anti aging effects of Taurine. (I am currently on 10 gr Taurine, taken on an empty stomach each morning.) I am on this dose for 11 days, will continue for another week or two, and then do my bi-annual lab work.

But human biology is so complex, and one has to be humble when trying to intervene. I hope to get feedback from the forum on the question. How does Taurine act on the mTOR pathway? And should we consider Taurine to negatively interact with rapamycin? Like leucine and other substances that might interact with rapamycin

The Beneficial Effects of Taurine to Counteract Sarcopenia - PMC (nih.gov)

Taurine attenuates methamphetamine-induced autophagy and apoptosis in PC12 cells through mTOR signaling pathway - ScienceDirect


I agree - the thing with it, is a very short half life probably only 1 hour - so very brief effects. Does hours of mTORC1 inhibition allow enough time to even have anything happen? I’d suggest it is likely a wasted supplement if desired when you have a reasonable activity of Rapamycin in your blood stream. However, that may not be its only mechanism?


“Taurine, a sulfur-containing amino acid, is a normal constituent of the human diet. Little is known of the pharmacokinetics of taurine in man after oral administration. We studied the pharmacokinetics of 4 g taurine in eight healthy male volunteers (median age 27.5, range 22–45) following orally administration in the fasting state in the morning. Blood samples were taken at regular intervals and plasma taurine concentration was measured by a modified HPLC method. Data were subjected to noncompartmental analysis. Maximum plasma taurine concentration (Cmax) was measured at 1.5 ± 0.6 hr after administration as 86.1 ± 19.0 mg/L (0.69 ± 0.15 mmol). Plasma elimination half-life (T1/2) and the ratio of clearance/bioavailability (Cl/F) were 1.0 ± 0.3 hr and 21.1 ± 7.8 L/hr, respectively. Since taurine is occasionally used in therapeutics as a medicine, the pharmacokinetics and effects of oral taurine in healthy volunteers would be useful in the future studies of taurine in pharmacology and nutrition.”

Pharmacokinetics of Oral Taurine in Healthy Volunteers - PMC (nih.gov)

I can find information about the Pharmacokinetics of Taurine but I find myself a bit in the dark when it comes to Taurine’s interaction with rapamycin. I guess, a qualified guess based on mechanistic knowledge is the best one can do.

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