Rapamycin and Reynaud’s?

Has anyone out there noticed an improvement in Reynauds symptoms since starting rapa?

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V interested in this, because it would make sense that rapa would help. Here’s a case study in someone with the scleroderma (which is related? to reynaud’s)


It is an n=1 account but Ive not had an attack in two years. On Rapa 6-8mg weekly. I upped other supplements and nitrate intake for vasodilation so hard to tell but it might be a contributing factor


Curious how many episodes you were having before starting the rapa (and doing the other things)?

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Used to have about two episodes a year, usually in colder seasons. So not too bad. But this discussion reminded me that it hasn’t happened for a while.
Ive got genes for ASCVD so I do other stuff to reduce my plaque burden and maintain vasodilation eg nattokinase, aspirin etc so hard to know what the contribution of Rapamycin is.