Rapamycin and elevated glucose numbers

Good morning, I have been taking 5mg/1x a week for 9 months now. I am feeling great but on my most recent blood panel my glucose was 226. I have always been on the high side of the normal range 90-100. I have dealt with ulcerative colitis for years and the rapamycin has took care of my inflammation. I see several people taking Metformin with it but I am not real sold on that idea.
Please advise


See a doctor immediately. Those are diabetic numbers. Very unlikely to be rapamycin.


226 was fasting or non fasting? Switch to 5mg every 2 weeks.


I agree with both the previous comments and I think if you don’t have a glucose meter you should buy one. They’re cheap and you need to get a feel for what you actual glucose is fasting, after a meal etc…

It sounds to me like you need drugs, but I would still add cinnamon with chromium, also vanadium. These minerals help.

Yes, I’d take Metformin and an SGLT2 inhibitor to get that glucose down. You could also try taking Rapa every other week. Both Metformin and Empagliflozin are good for your glucose and health in general. Take care.

Glucose can be highly variable but that is a big number. Did you get an HbA1c? Metformin and berberine are my main levers for blood sugar. I am experimenting with Akkermansia right now (2 mos in); I just received my lowest HbA1c in my life (5.0).


If you do not want to go the pharmaceutical route, take note of the (N=1) post of Lisa_Asil in the akkermansia thread.

I listened to Colleen on the Attia podcast and given gut discomfort IBS and high blood glucose levels (A1c 5.8, fasting BG 5.6 (over 100 for those in USA) despite 3 years of low carb/sometimes keto. I decided to try Akkermansia product (NOT the Glucose control product). It’s been 2 weeks and my fasting BG has been 4.8 several days and have gotten readings in the 4s in the afternoon!!

This is huge for me. I’ve been using apple cider vinegar, fiber drinks etc to try and get it down and help my gut discomfort, even went carnivore for a month, all to no avail. One attempt at Berberine sent my gut into a horror show. Also taking other probiotics like Align, and Japanese Dr Ohira for years to help with IBS, which has also improved this month.

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Thank you to everyone who replied. I have been working with my doctor and my blood panel was great except the glucose. I have been taking Berberine and Cinnamon 2x a day. I have a hard time giving blood or having IV therapy. I wasn’t thinking before my blood draw and took a liquid IV pack ninety minutes before. I wasn’t thinking about the sugar in it. I have ordered a monitor.

Just looked at Liquid IV and I don’t think you can find something worse: 13g carbs for 16g serving that’s more than 81% carbs including 11g added sugar!
I mean you can as well eat spoonfuls of table sugar with some salt. It will be as bad but cheaper.

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Hello, during my most recent doctor visit my glucose was 118 not 226. Quest had messed up on their online report. I found 1mg of Rapamycin on cost plus savings to be around $160 for 90 pills. I am going to start taking 1/day in the morning for 6 days a week. I have lost 18 pounds just by using rapamycin and fasting. I want to lose another 18 pounds which will put me at 207 for being 6’2. I am 54 years old. I appreciate every ones input.

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