Rapamycin and Dementia (not necessarily AD)

Do you have knowledge of reliable brands of Beta hydroxybutyrate?

I’m very sorry for your difficult experiences and cusps to you for trying so very hard to help your wife. Now please don’t think me crazy when I tell you that the power of the mind is too amazing for words. Look into meditation and using implantation to implant suggestions of a cured situation into your subconscious mind, I call it my subconscious computer and I have used it all my life to stay healthy and to keep my family and my dog healthy. Start by buying the book called “The Secret” I taught my children from a very early age about using one’s mind to control one’s life, I have experienced miracles by using my subconscious. There are many books out there which illustrate how you can cure yourself and others . I sincerely hope this helps and I wish you and your good wife success in resolving your issue

Perhaps of interest:

Conclusion : The combination of telmisartan and rosuvastatin might be an effective prevention and/or treatment strategy for cognitive impairment and dementia, especially in hypertensive patients with the APOE ε4 allele.


I happened to be on both! (unfortunately). They also say that those who speak a few languages don’t get dementia.

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So has anyone tried rapamycin on someone with mild dementia? It is common for an 80-90-year-old, who seems ok but has subtle signs of dementia such as the development of confusion at night (aka sundowning).

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Perhaps of interest, in case you haven’t seen it already:


and: Rapamycin and Alzheimer disease: a double-edged sword?

Hi Charles, are you referring to stem cell ?

this is a little more specific than i am competent to address at this time, given the description in the “objective”. My wife has been diagnosed with BVFTD, and how that relates to her “genotype” is not something I have any idea? and she does not suffer from “hypertension”, in fact quite the opposite. as for other medications, she is taking nothing related to dementia. t If I am mis-reading this objective, or simply don’t comprehend its direct relevance my apologies. Believe me, i have researched a lot in the area but this is not familiar. thanks

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My wife was fluent in French, English and a little spanish. does that qualify?

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Again we are back to AD, and although somewhat relevant, my wife does not have AD, she has BVFTD, which is a different dementia variant. Kinda like owning a pickup or a ford mustang. they are both vehicles and very similar compared to an alligator, but those differences can change everything. My goal here was to find out if anyone had any success with Rap and BVFTD or any frontal-temporal dementia. Actually the same dementia Bruce Willis has now been diagnosed with (unfortunately).

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thank you. We are believers, and spend our time, related to spirit, in biblical passages, the teaching of Christ’s healing, and that of his disciples, and visiting faith healers, which oftentimes involves a whole group of people praying and laying on of hands…My wife loves the music, and the comradery, good for the soul.


yes my first question. although my wife’s dementia is a little more advanced, than mild

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Although i appreciate the info, i would think that since the studies were published in 2005, and 06? If effective, I would think there would be more recent results or products, 17 years later? or am I missing something?

Yes, my partner and I are going down there in September. She told me that for the clinic she has used in the past, we fly into Guadalajara, but I believe the clinic is in a town close to that, not in Guadalajara. So if you have one you trust in G, that would be very helpful. She was reasonably happy with the clinic she went to, and she lived down there for a couple of years, so I’m sure did her research. It’s just always good to get a second opinion/option, so to speak.

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I’ve had good luck with the salts, and posted a link for amazon above for them. They seem to work.

Juvenescence is the other way to go, it’s an ester I think. It comes on so strong you actually get a euphoric buzz for a minute or so. Expensive. I think they all work.


It definitely qualifies. Sorry for her diagnoses.


Have you looked into photobiomodulation? There’s helmets with red and near infrared cold laser & LEDs of certain wavelengths that are supposed to help. Most of the studies are on AD patients but the mechanism of action seems to be broader and probably applicable to more forms of dementia.

My dad was bilingual and could read in a third language. His diet was 90% Mediterranean, 10% junk. He had a healthy BMI and he exercised. He was well-read and a STEM professional. But he had a lot of trauma in his life starting in his late 50s (my mom died of cancer–it was a horrendous course of treatment for 7 years), then he went deaf in one ear, then my sister died of an overdose (I think he gave up then), then he retired, and then he started complaining about his memory problems. He gave up a little more with each loss. The last two years were very difficult. He died at 85, complications from Alzheimer’s.

BajaBrent, you might be interested in this stem cell clinical trial

The clinician is Herr Prof. Dr. Dr. Ernst von Schwarz.
He is also my Cardiologist in Murrieta CA

He wrote this book


These websites are mentioned in the book, or are related.




My wife is presently receiving stem cell therapy: 3 sessions in last 9mos. We are headed to #4 in next couple weeks. Most (95%) of stem cell clinics received cells from processors who receive from hospital source. MANY TIMES there may be intermediaries who also manipulate in between source and administrating clinic. I have found that even many highly promoted clinics/docs do NOT verify # of SC or their viability at the time of administration. They are clueless, but BECAUSE a vile says “20 milllion MSC” they ASSUME it to be true and the content is live…they have NO IDEA. pLS REMEMBER they are supposed to be injecting a LIVING STEM CELL. and given the processing/distribution etc. quality control is essential. I have no idea what Dr Schwarz does and this is NOT meant to challenge her, however, if i were to use ANYONE they must begin by answering my “battery” of questions related to treatment. and out of more than 70 clinics only 7 survived that first round.