Rapamycin and covid after exposure

I know there was a study done re:rapa and the vaccine. Anyone know if rapamycin be beneficial if you had covid exposure and take a dose after exposure?
I ask because my wife and I are in that situation. I just received about 10 days ago my shipment of Rapacon from India.
She went to our uncle’s house today to take him some food since he’d been sick lately and of course she did a home test on him and he was positive.
Just wondering if a dose would help at this point.


I would not recommend treating Covid with Rapa.


There’s evidence that taking rapamycin when infected with Covid may prevent cytokine storm. When I was infected, I continued rapamycin daily. In the result, on day 6 I already tested negative, did not have cytokine spike, and did not develop long Covid.


Thanks for info. We both had covid last year and used paxlovid with success.
My daughter died from an infection in 21 and the doctor blamed it on what you cited, the cytokine reaction. I tried everything I could basically to get the medical community to try off label and experimental drugs on her but to no avail. We tend to take covid pretty seriously as a result. I think I’ll try my first rapa dose in the morning.


You can read a lot about Covid and Rapamycin use at this forum. This is a link to one of the posts:


Thanks! Will check it out

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Also, check out Dr. Green’s website. He talks about Covid there as well. Everything is anecdotal, but there’s a possibility it helps. It did pass a phase 1 and phase 2 trial for improving the vaccine response for the flu. Follow up from the failed phase 3 trial after Covid was promising.


Sorry to hear that. I would personally not treat myself with Rapamycin after exposure of any infection, because I worry that it’ll suppress my immune system so it can’t fight the virus. I’ve seen some users here say they kept taking rapamycin throughout an infection, and they said they had a fever that persisted - and felt sick. Those are just anecdotes though.

Aren’t there good medications now like Paxlovid, and you mentioned you successfully treated yourself with it in the past?

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Yes the antivirals seem to be good and I had a decent response to Paxlovid although I experienced rebound after about a week. It took 3 more days to recover but was it was still worth taking.
Isn’t a cytokine storm an overreaction of the immune system?


With Covid we do want to suppress immune system a little, otherwise it will overreact and create cytokine storm.

Cytokine storm is immune system overreaction and rapamycin can control it.


Exactly. Matt K always describes rapamycin as an immune modulator rather than an immune suppressor. It’s not always a negative. It seems to improve the immune response to viruses.


Keep in mind that the current COVID is nothing like the COVID of 2-3 years ago. Much less severe.