Rapamycin accessable to Sweden? Need help

Hi. I’m 52 years old and live in Sweden, Stockholm. I need to be able to order good-priced pure Rapamycin here or have it sent to me. Does anyone know a source? Anyone know a doctor here that can subscribe?

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Yes, I can sell you as much as you want at $3 per mg. BTW I buy it from Indian pharmacies at $0.8 per mg. hahaa

Jokes aside, search on here at the top where it says Buy Rapamycin

I buy mine from this guy.

Anil Gangwani


I live in USA and have NOT had an issue (yet) with my orders clearing customs. Don’t know how strict is Sweden for meds coming from abroad.

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You can get a prescription from https://eudoctor.org/ which is an EU prescription usable in all European countries, the total cost is about 400 euros for 100 tablets, or order without prescription but with longer wait times and more expensive from https://www.bgpharmadrugs.com/