I have pre-diabetes. HA1C about 5.9 – steady since 2017 when first measured. Fasting Glucose around 105, after light meals around 140-150. I am on 1000 mg of Metformin. Does not seem to have made much difference but suddenly is becoming a stomach distressor (even the extended release).
My particular concern is that insulin is low, like in the range between 1 and 5. Low C peptide, high amylase. I am concerned about the Beta Cells. I did get testing to rule out LADA. I think my underlying primary problem is inadequate insulin being made by the pancreas.
Other than may-be sleep, no levers to pull: low BMI, low BP, decent lipids, daily exercise, careful diet, supplements . . . . gymnema sylvestre,cinnamon, curcumin, etc, (but not rapamycin, yet)
Family history of AD, and I know that low BP, low BMI, low insulin, early menopause are correlated.
My PHP is not concerned. He thinks that these levels might just be “normal” for me. Have been waiting months to get in to see the endocrinologist who is the top diabetes clinician/researcher around here.
Asked PHP for Rybelsus, was denied.
So, options:
-Just keep taking the 1000 mg metformin, nothing more. I can tolerate that, with some distress, but, I think the fundamental problem is the low insulin production, not addressed by metformin
-Get some harmine (which has been shown to take the brakes of DYRK1A and permit Beta cells to replicate). Dosages of 30-50mg are known to be safe and somewhat effective.
-Get some Rybelsus – which would stimulate insulin and amplfiy the effects of the Harmine (as per research using a GLP agonist – Exanitide) But might be really tough to “stomach” given experience with Metformin
– Take Berberine ? (also tough to stomach)
Would appreciate thoughts –