Have read through the the threads on rapamycin and surgery and have taken the prudent approach and stopped taking it 6 weeks ago and don’t plan to start again until a minimum of 3 months (max 6) post surgery. I am having three hernia’s fixed and from the discussions I have read it will take 3 months for the repair to integrate into the mesh.
Have learnt a lot from this site (thank you) about heath span in improvements in general and wondered if there was any advice pre and post operatively to speed the recovery. Trying to decide if I should fast 48 hrs pre op and and further 24 after to increase stems cells then start a high protein diet for 3 months or I should be more focussed on protein pre op. Have started taking BPC157 (LVLUP - ultimate repair and have nasal BPC157 as well to use after the op) other planned supplements on top have having a clean protein focussed diet are VitC, Marine Collagen, Astaxanthin, Magnesium L-Threonate and Silica.
Any advice on what to add /change would be gratefully received so I can back on rapa asap.
I find citrate helps to encourage repair systems to operate. However, taking the right amount is not that easy.
You can see some examples here:
Thanks John v interesting paper… Will be adding citrate and getting some lithium also looks like something to look into further on prostrate health. Any recommendations of where to source the citrates you used.
I buy it from chemical manufacturers (in 25kg quantities). Where do you live?
You can get it from Amazon.
John I am 20m miles north of Newcastle upon Tyne saw you were based in Birmingham so was interested if you were using a UK supplier. I have been getting most of my products from the US and India. Am trailing a UK supplier for my current orders which I was recommended. Always keen to use the supplier / brand used by others as have found Amazon can be hit and miss on what you are actually buying and therefore prefer to go direct if I can.
We should talk via email or phone.
wondered if there was any advice pre and post operatively to speed the recovery.
My advice is simple - walk a lot. I was pretty strong going into my surgery in 2020, but two weeks in the hospital left me weak as a kitten. When I got home, I made a point of going on daily walks. I started slow but eventually was walking six miles a day (two three-mile walks). This was in addition to the outpatient rehab program, which I thought was pretty weak stuff and the rehab therapists had to keep scolding me not to push myself so hard, lol.
Dexter is right. Immobility snowballs into disability superfast especially at an older age. I had some dental surgery with bone buildup and implants, and was required not to exercise to raise my blood pressure. After three weeks of only walking, I could no longer do my intense weighted squats. I have to start all over again, starting with bodyweight squats I’m working my way up. When I was younger, three weeks break was nothing, I could get back into it with no issues.
You lose muscle very quickly, aerobic CV conditioning takes longer to lose, but do something every day, without injuring yourself, of course. You have a bit more leeway if you are 50 or under.
Work with a PT if possible, it was very helpful for me when I was recovering from multiple surgeries after a motorcycle accident some 30 years ago. It totally saved my mobility. That would be my most valuable advice. Good luck!