Police got called to an overcrowded presentation on “rejuvenation” technology (MIT Tech Rev)

However, while the stem-cell researchers want to copy the molecular programs that bodies use to develop, new discoveries could eventually let researchers press rewind on that same process, and thus make old animals younger.

“This is almost the ultimate feat for an engineer: the reversal of the life process,” said Haifan Lin, the Yale University cell biologist who is president of the International Society for Stem Research, which organized the meeting.

And that explains the boisterous attendees, Lin told me later in the day. “I apologize if there was a disruption. But take a step back,” he added. “It’s a good sign for this field that there is so much interest. It’s a hot topic. Hotter than we expected.”


Yamanaka factors. So we will have a race among Sinclair’s lab, Rejuvenate Bio, and Altos Labs.


Things sure have come a long way since the days when scientists were considered quacks for investigating aging / longevity.


That, and to catch a glimpse of Izpisua Belmonte, the bald, squint-eyed figurehead of a new technological concept for reversing aging called “cellular reprogramming.”

Lol, why do they have to throw him under the bus like that?

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After witnessing the roiling crowd of researchers on Friday, it’s easy to imagine riots in the streets if science ever actually discovers the cure for aging — which at first, would surely be an ultra-expensive remedy for the rich.

I wonder if we’ll actually see things like this.

I could certainly imagine it… perhaps in a scenario like the one described in “Ministry for the future” sci-fi book by Stanley Kim Robinson, but focused on the longevity revolution…


which at first, would surely be an ultra-expensive remedy for the rich

People really love this idea, but no other medical discovery has ever worked that way, unless you’re defining “the rich” as everybody in developed nations

Traditionally in medicine, when you are talking about small-molecule drugs you are right. But, increasingly that is not true with the new cell and gene therapies… there are two price drivers: production costs, and what pricing model optimizes revenue/profits. You also have to think about the type of therapeutic it becomes - is it something you “take” or “get done” every year, of once every 10 years, or just once.

It would be interesting to hear from one of those mathematicians who create the seat pricing algorithms for the airline industry to analyze what pricing strategies would maximize revenue and profits worldwide based on different cost scenarios…

High production costs are limiting patient access to cell and gene therapies, according to researchers who say optimizing manufacturing methods and increasing capacity industry-wide would help. Cell and gene therapies are expensive. Analysis by the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) suggests the average cost of a gene therapy is between $1 million and $2 million per dose.

Similarly, while cell therapy prices differ more widely depending on the indication and the type of product, the average cost per treatment is $1 million, according to the ICER.

This editorial in Nature seems relevant, and a similar issue could be something we could face in the longevity field. It will be different because longevity gene or cell therapy could have a vast market (compared to the rare genetic diseases discussed below), but even with a vast market, the cost and production scaling could remain an issue:

Gene therapies should be for all

Are healthcare systems prepared to deal with cost and accessibility of gene therapies on a global scale?

More than 200 phase 2 and 3 gene therapy trials are currently underway, which could translate into up to 40 new products’ being approved for clinical use in the next decade, and the potential eligibility of 1.09 million patients for this therapeutic modality in the next 15 years. The availability of more gene therapy products will bring profound changes to the treatment landscape of many rare genetic diseases, which will offer for the first time potentially curative options for patients. Healthcare systems worldwide have to start preparing now to cope with the challenge of ensuring that all patients, not just a select few with financial means and privileged access to technology, can benefit from these innovative therapies.

Cost is at the center of the gene therapy accessibility problem. In many countries, drug prices are regulated and subject to existing laws; however, for gene therapies, pricing remains largely unregulated and is decided on a case-by-case basis, often concentrating on a single upfront payment. When determining the price, drug companies consider development costs, the specific characteristics of the disease and the related expenses, including hospitalizations and missed productivity, that can potentially be prevented by decreasing the disease burden. In the case of gene therapies, prices are also affected by lack of competition, with a limited number of companies developing gene therapies for rare diseases, and by the fact that often only a small number of patients can benefit from a specific treatment, a situation in which profits from a small number of doses need to offset the entire drug-development and manufacturing costs.



All super true, but I have a lot of optimism that if something is discovered that drastically reduces the diseases of aging, all the countries with socialized healthcare systems will move heaven and earth to develop an inexpensive and widely available version. They spend the vast majority of their money on these diseases of aging and the incentive to avoid that will be huge. For relatively rare diseases currently treated by cell therapy, it doesn’t quite make sense to make that the priority.

Also its optimistic to remember that in India, you can’t patent a treatment, you can only patent a specific method of production.

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Interesting talk by George Church. Cheap gene therapies are right around the corner.


Better hurry up… had stem cells prior to COVID… great result… still have working hips… of course the HBFund… said it was cosmetic surgery… refused to pay, think it was $3000, want more, but the shut that Doctor down… I guess if it works doctors don’t want that…so I am using Rapa and sirolimus, twice a week… but no doc. to report to… So desperate to have my knees done😂

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Could you give more details on this? What kind of stem cells did you get? Were they injected locally or systemically? What condition were you trying to treat and what were the results? Thanks.

Dr Ross, took 5-6 vials of blood, separated it, (can read that on utube), I returned to the clinic later, and the stem cells were injected into my hip on the side…It saved me having hip replacement… I understand the Dr, was frozen out… he no longer works in West Aust… I think it’s 5 yrs ago, still good, want more done… trying to sort thru the pretend people and real stem cell people

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A good recorded discussion on this conference mentioned in the first post of this thread:

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“They kind of take a scientific approach. But in their free time scientists, including Belmonte, definitely talking about life extension. Belmonte himself has told that he’s sure that the first person who’s going to live to 140 has already been born.”

I love hearing things like this coming not only from Aubrey. Maybe the time has come to say such things publicly to accelerate the progress? Or they just waiting for the first big breakthrough to support their claims?


I agree - Aubrey has been talking about LEV for the past 20 years. Its nice to see some good, positive numbers from the scientists doing the actual work for a change. I’m fine with 140 or 150 years :slight_smile:


Also found this while trying to find Belmonte’s presentation

Any more info on stem cell treatments, found this presentation confusing… Stem cell therapy usually works better than hip/knee operations… but no one comes up with names of clinics that do it… Dr’s seem reluctant to step up and do it… WHY… no money in it ??.. anyway is anyone in Australia doing this kind of therapy…

My father replaced both hips and he claims it is amazing. The technology just keeps steadily improving.

Unfortunately knees are a whole different story.