Peter Diamandis Longevity Protocol: Weekly 6mg Rapamycin + 100 mg Doxycycline

Based on it being and IND protocol, didn’t know what that was before now and his interview with David Sinclair we could assume he is on Sinclair’s experimental protocol or some form of it where reprogramming is triggered by doxycycline administration


macneu2299, Well! You have the same questions the rest of us have. It’s a definite problem deciding what is really important and what is not. Having accumulated 15 to 20 different supplements and protocols it’s now a matter of removing the ones that are the least useful. From my point of view it would be helpful if I could find unbiased research from experts. For example, Peter Diamandis may have some useful information, but he appears to be trying to sell me something at the same time. And, there is Pankaj Kapahi in his YouTube video about “How lowering glycation affects appetite.” He sounds like he’s trying to sell me GlyLo in a low key manner based on his research. Just give me pure research without trying to sell me something is what I ask for. It certainly would save me a lot of time when investigating potentially good products. But, I know that this will not happen.


Very frustrating, confusing and probably dangerous. I also have at least 20 different supplements, each is recommended by the scientists as “the most important” or at least “very important” product for health and longevity. You are also correct, that the scientists somehow benefit from advertising the products and it’s impossible to find the truth.It’s also important to understand, that the scientists don’t agree with each other, so they also don’t know the truth. For example, Dr.Sinclair has been advertising Resveratrol, but Dr. Attia and Dr.Kaeberlein have been proclaiming Resveratrol’s ineffectiveness.
Dr. Sinclair has been advertising NMN and Dr. Brenner NMR.
What about diet? It’s even more confusing. Some experts recommend Keto, some only plant-food based, some - carnivore diet. Some recommend less protein and others more. Eggs good or bad?
Looks like we are on our own and have to investigate and think for our-self!


I tend to go with the advice of the experts that don’t have any financial connections to the compound being discussed. For example, I would tend to go with the opinions of Attia, Kaeberlein and Richard Miller (NIA ITP program) on resveratrol, over Sinclair (simply because he has had many commercial interests in the resveratrol / sirtuins area).

On the NMN/NR issue - I look for third party scientists outside of the Brenner / Sinclair sphere of commercial interest…

All of this makes it rather complex and you need to know all the commercial / research histories of the scientists, which many people may not know.


Absolutely agree! Thank you!!!

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RapAdmin, Yes. You’ve mentioned the ones I trust.

I have taken the approach of “let’s see what are the things that might be less available or more needed” with age and replenish them in a way that is as natural as possible. So in the anti-oxidant category, rather than go with Reservatrol or Pterostilbene I’m supplementing with NAC/Glycine to increase the levels of Glutathione which is the body’s own anti-oxidant.

Dr. Sinclair has done us all a huge favor by raising the visibility of longevity science through his book, podcast, lectures - but we need to be aware that he does what he does for self-gain. First he built the hype around Reservatrol to sell Sirtris (Sirtris Pharmaceuticals - Wikipedia) and then he built the hype around NMN to sell MIB626. Both ventures border on the unethical in my opinion. But hey, no one is all good or all bad. He simply takes advantage of systems of late stage capitalism. Let’s be thankful for what he has contributed and move on.

Which is not to say that NMN or NR or any other way to boost NAD+ are bad. I’ve found them super helpful.


Thought this was interesting…



When asked when we might expect to see FDA approved “age-reversal” drugs, Dr. Sinclair’s response was that drug development “is hard…super hard.”

It often takes billions of dollars to complete clinical trials, often after many failed attempts.

But, Dr. Sinclair adds, health-span extending drugs may already be here. They just haven’t yet gone through the painstaking process of FDA trials yet.

“In my view*,” Dr. Sinclair notes, “we’ve got some drugs already–Metformin, Rapamycin–that I strongly believe can slow down aspects of aging, so we already have some technologies. They’re not evenly distributed. It’s not available to everybody because most doctors are unaware or unwilling to prescribe these medicines to people who are healthy…but the data looks good.”*

Metformin is usually used on diabetic patients, while Rapamycin is often used to prevent organ transplant rejection.

But studies have shown that Metformin’s effect on cellular metabolism and many other diseases that come with aging (diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cognitive decline) can substantially delay mortality.

So much so, that patients with diabetes and on metformin often live longer than patients without diabetes, not on Metformin.

Rapamycin similarly shows a delay in age-related pathology.

Yet, Dr. Sinclair explains, a number of safety and efficacy measures need to be cleared so that drugs can be approved for “healthy” patients.

What we’re talking about is a radical departure from traditional medicine.

We’ve all come to expect that we go to the doctor for our once-a-year physical (if we’re lucky); the doctor listens to our lungs and our hearts; and notes that our test results are not ideal, but natural “for our age.”

We don’t fight against aging. We try and do a gentle landing, if you will.

The FDA, too, is an organization built around safety, and as such is risk-averse.

If the FDA approves a drug that inadvertently kills even one person, that one life is perceived as more valuable than all the lives lost by not approving a drug.



Dr. Sinclair does not take Rapamycin. Did he explain why?

He has taken Rapamycin in the past. It is unclear if he is taking it now.

He probably takes it and doesn’t say :wink: Over the past few years he looks substantially younger; he might have done a laser resurfacing!

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With recent studies on the after effects of FDA approved vaccines, the claim of being built around safety is both laughable and tragic.


If Dan the Mason does a stool test to check his microbiome, we may get an answer…



Any consensus as to why taking doxycyclin with rapamycin would be of value?

And not just because Peter Diamandis takes it.

And at what dose?

Not another PFA.

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I take Doxy - 2 pills 100 mg each, so 200 mg total once a week at the same time that I take my rapamycin.

Never had any issues. I have been doing this since July 2022.


Why did you decide to do this?


I read about using Doxycycline from Blagosklonny. Link: From rapalogs to anti-aging formula - PMC

Reduces aging and wrinkles link: Scientists reverse aging-associated skin wrinkles and hair loss in a mouse model - News | UAB


For acne - teens use daily at a dose of 100mg.


I can see the value of this, since we are all becoming teenagers again :slight_smile:


From the paper referenced posted;

Scientists reverse aging-associated skin wrinkles and hair loss in a mouse model

by Jeff Hansen

  • July 19, 2018

"The mutation in the mouse model is induced when the antibiotic doxycycline is added to the food or drinking water. This causes depletion of mitochondrial DNA because the enzyme to replicate the DNA becomes inactive.

In four weeks, the mice showed gray hair, reduced hair density, hair loss, slowed movements and lethargy, changes that are reminiscent of natural aging. Wrinkled skin was seen four to eight weeks after induction of the mutation, and females had more severe skin wrinkles than males.

Dramatically, this hair loss and wrinkled skin could be reversed by turning off the mutation. The photos below show the hair loss and wrinkled skin after two months of doxycycline induction, and the same mouse a month later after doxycycline was stopped, allowing restoration of the depleted mitochondrial DNA."

From the above posted paper doxycycline INCREASED the damage, inducing hair loss and wrinkles.

Your thoughts and comment’s?


Hmmm… Not great. Lol. Something to consider.

Once a week with rapamycin might not be so much an issue… teens have used 100 mg Doxy daily for years to treat acne.