People pushing the upper limits of Rapamycin Doses - Any One Else?

Hi Agetron, sorry for asking another wuestion. Was that 6mg with gfj?

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Yes… approximately from April 2022 until end of November 2022… I was taking 6mg in pills and one fresh red grapefruit that I would hand squeeze and take with pills.

Side effects seemed to be elevated Blood Pressure went from lower 130’s to mid- 150’s. With pulse up to 100… normal pulse 72

Watched it this way for months… figured it was rapamycin. Since dropping my dose to 2mg with grapefruit juice… approximately 12 mg in my blood. B/P and pulse back in the normal range.

On dose day…and the next day can feel my heart racing… beating through out my body… in my arms and chest and head… and ringing in ears.


Take care buddy! Those don’t sound like good side effects! Ringing in the ears and higher BP may have cardiac effects.

I am taking 5 mg + GFJ, biweekly and I have noticed my wound healing has really slowed. I have a blister on my finger and it is taking a much longer time to heal than in the past.


Thanks Chris,
I do monitor pretty consistently - even do the Blood Pressure Check next to the Walmart Pharmacy - every time I am in the store.

All very stable - even when my B/P was higher - it didn’t seem to affect anything - workouts, no headaches… plenty of energy. But, yes - glad to be back in the 127-134 range systolic and 72 to 80 diastolic From charts I am in the.60 to 64 years minimal 121/83 normal 134/87 range.

The ear ringing or tinnitus goes away a day or two after my dose. Just very strong initially. As rapamycin is suppose to help hearing - I do not mind it. My hearing is excellent.


I have had a similar result. I use a weight belt at the gym and have shrunk out of my belt while getting stronger. I also dropped from size 36 jeans to 34. I think I last wore 34 when I was 16. I started taking Rapamycin around the same time as Ozempic (I’m an actual diabetic) and was not sure which drug to attribute the great result to.