Organ-specific biological clocks are the latest tool for predicting and treating both chronic disease and overall aging

Age is not as simple as a single number—it’s far more nuanced. Two people of the same chronological age could be wildly different, with one being in great health and the other sickly. Even within a single human body, like yours or mine, age isn’t homogenous. Some parts, like your heart, may be strong, healthy, and able to keep strongly pumping for years—even as other organs, like your liver, could be short on days. Ovaries age so fast, experts say, that they are basically geriatric by the time a woman is in her thirties.

One way to think of this is to consider your body as you would a car. Your paint may last for decades unless it’s scratched. Your engine could last for a lifetime as well, so long as it’s well-maintained. But you may need a new clutch in middle age. And your brake pads will wear out much sooner than that. As for your tires… those will need to be replaced every few years. All that can be anticipated by referring to your odometer and the owner’s manual in your glove box.

So where is the dashboard and maintenance schedule for human health? Experts say it’s coming.

Related: Blood test can reveal if you are at risk from organs aging prematurely

And: Teal Proteomics 2024 launch - Organ Specific Biological Clock

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