Observations and (almost) live blogging from the Longevity Summit Dublin

Some coverage of Aubrey’s Longevity Summit Dublin that is going on right now, by Kamil Pabis who works in Brian Kennedy’s Lab at the University of Singapore:



And, some commentary on Twitter by Andrew Steele:
Friday Morning:
Friday Afternoon:

And all the Twitter Commentary on #longevitysummitdublin


The summit website:


And why Matt Kaeberlein is optimistic about longevity science:

And… as many people here are already practicing this approach:

“there will be no single magic bullet super-pill that stops ageing, it’s going to require a combination therapy approach.”

Some twitter posts by David Wood

CEO of Retro Biosciences, Joe @BettsLaCroix, urges anti-aging startups to be ready to “go off script”. There’s need to worry about “seeming weird”. But respect moral principles must be paramount. And prioritise precision as well as speed in the work done #LongevitySummitDublin

Source: https://twitter.com/dw2/status/1692168748638286018?s=20

Max observes that many longevity enthusiasts pay careful attention to four key dimensions of life extension, whilst neglecting a fifth dimension altogether #LongevitySummitDublin

This picture highlights the conclusion. Relevant to ongoing discussions at #LongevitySummitDublin. Thanks to Michael Rae for drawing this to my attention!

Developing & Validating Anti-Ageing Therapies with Horses



Some info from Twitter re: summit

that is interesting.

Updates from Matt:

Showing a list of recent headlines about treatments that can reverse ageing, Matt warns: ‘If you underpromise and overdeliver, people remember that. If you’re consistently dishonest, that’s a very hard reputation to shake off.’

Let’s be cautious in our claims then smash it!

Have more recent developments in longevity science been decreasingly spectacular? And is this because we’re all focussed on the same hallmarks of ageing?

Our best intervention in mice is calorie restriction—which isn’t a drug, and the strongest result was published in 1986!!

Matt advocates for ‘pragmatic moonshots’, which are hard enough to get funded as it is—it took him years to get funding to look at longevity in dogs (

@DogAgingProject), and he had to spin out a company ( @OraBiomedical) to try out a MASSIVE automated worm longevity machine.

This is why he wants to try ONE MILLION MOLECULES in his wormbot: if we’re going to put some more exciting things on this graph, we need to try LOTS OF THINGS!

In the 90s and 00s we did knock out a lot of genes in worms…but there’s much more to try.

Matt: I was asked why I didn’t include more gene therapies on this slide, so here you go (red). Longevity intervention discovery has stagnated. We need a few pragmatic moonshots not more press releases hyping incremental results

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Podcast Interviews from Dublin:

In this episode, we’ll hear first from Matt Kaeberlein, the CEO of a company called Optispan…

Our second speaker is João Pedro de Magalhães who is the Chair of Molecular Biogerontology at the University of Birmingham, where he leads the genomics of aging and rejuvenation lab

Third is Steve Horvath, who has just retired from his position as a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, and is now a Principal Investigator at Altos Labs in Cambridge.

The episode rounds off with an interview with Tom Lawry, Managing Director for Second Century Tech, who refers to himself as a recovering Microsoft executive. We discuss his recent bestselling book “Hacking Healthcare”

Some good commentary on the Dublin longevity summit:

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A good writeup on the Dublin summit: