Check out how long NorthWest Mutual Life Insurance company thinks you will live given your family history, and lifestyle. They need to ask a question about rapamycin use…
96 sounds good. And that’s without any mention of rapamycin.
- Age
- Gender
- Height
- Weight
- Family member, lived to 70, no CVD before 55
- BP
- Stress
- Exercise – vigorous versus moderate, versus none
- Veggies, no or limited fastfood
- Seatbelt
- Driving habits
- Drinking less than 2 drinks per day, or more
- Smoking
- Drugs
- MD visits
Everybody here will score in the 90s.
Yes. It seems that the mid-90s is the new target for this generation. Now we need stuff to push us into the next decade beyond that. I think Rapamycin will add 7-15 years to the number here, depending on your optimism.
We’re all going to be centenarians!
(or this calculator is off)
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