New Year Resolutions for Longevity?

Interesting! At first thought seems inaccurate but when you think of it in over 110 year old crowd I have not encountered one to say that they exercised regularly. Most did however mentioned walks and garden work/staying active. some mentioned glass of whisky per day, plus NOT overeating.

Also, if you look at body builders in old age they seem to age horribly LOL
So no plan to exercise heavily though I must continue 3-4 week heavy weights (very short intervals), and MUST pick up yoga training, one of most important activities for old age.


Thanks for the paper I hadnā€™t seen. I know the polymerized form is much less likely to cause this problem, but apparently it still does. Using Cavidex it is pretty much impossible to get more than a couple grams per dose and it doesnā€™t hit very quickly. It has to be absorbed before itā€™s digested by the resident bacteria. Itā€™s also not a miracle, but I still think this chemistry is the best thing out there.

Iā€™ve got a 7 hour drive today, Iā€™ll read it when I get home.

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@RapAdmin youā€™ve got me thinking about non-blood biomarkers, such as

BP, waking HRV, sleeping breath rate, hang time (from a bar), low HR during sleep, weight, etcā€¦things I can and do measure with almost no hassle (so I can do them daily / weekly).

As opposed to Dexa scan, vo2max, blood/ urine/ microbiome fecal test, etc which are a pain to arrange and/or pay for (so Iā€™d be willing to do less often).

What are the best easy to track but meaningful biometrics? And source of targets? Has that list already been created?

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There are things like the high frequency hearing test which are easy to do (there are online versions) that feed into the overall picture.

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There is no compelling evidence that exercise increases longevity, but there is plenty of evidence that it extends health span.
I exercise to maintain as much muscle mass as possible. I donā€™t want to be high on the frailty index.


I am not arguing your point. But can you show some evidence that is true based on research?

Yes, improved muscle mass and adequate conditioning are all very important for healthspan. That should be the goal.

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In a sense aging is about a failure of function. Hence any functional test is a guide to the effects of aging.

As far as I am concerned that is a logical conclusion and I donā€™t need to search for research into correlation.



1:) Get my first Dexa and VO2 max scans/readouts

2:) Eliminate fake meat (Beyond, Impossible, etc), add 4 oz of clean meat(wild salmon, anchovies, bison,etc) 1x2 times a week

3:) Go to WAR with arthritis: heal gut, remove soy/corn from diet, watch stress (meditate consistently), yoga!


In other words: It is just your opinion. Of course, our hearing of high frequencies as well as low frequencies drops off as we age. There is no compelling evidence that it predicts lifespan, otherwise all deaf people would be dead.


Declining hearing ability certainly affects healthspan, as my wife would attest. Plus Iā€™ve heard that poor hearing (without aids) leads to declining cognitive function. But Iā€™d bet that poor hearing is a safety risk (longevity) as well.

My question is: is there any we can do about the decline besides not going to rock concerts?


I play at concerts although they are jazz now. I used to be a heavy metal drummer.


Look into the research re: photobiomodulation for this ā€” apparently red and near infrared light at certain frequencies restores the function of the follicles in the ear. Thereā€™s red light ear plugs that cost less than $20 from China. Got me a pair but rarely use them, also because Iā€™m youngish and my hearing is just fine.

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Anyone any suggestion on tinnitus? (since weā€™re talking about hearing aid/loss etc) Heard there is no cure for it?

The only thing Iā€™ve heard as a remedy is the same photobiomodulation I mentioned earlier. There was some evidence that it helped with tinnitus too but it was mixed. Iā€™d try it since itā€™s so cheap and noninvasive. Maybe look into the research yourself first.

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Can you provide a purchase link for this? Is it inserted into the nose or the ears? I saw one that is inserted into the K-nose for red light exposure. Do you have a rough picture of it? Thank you.

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This is the ear one.

This is the one that does both:

I own the exact one but found it for much less, maybe around $35 and Iā€™m sure you can find it too if you keep looking on Ali.

Oh here I found one for the nose only, still too expensive. They were cheaper a few months ago and Iā€™m sure if you spend 10 min on the site youā€™ll find one at the right price.


My New Years Resolution is to keep the 4 pounds off that I lost over Christmas. My weight always seems to snapback before Rapamycin. Hereā€™s hoping Rapa lowers the setpoint again.


Thank you for providing such helpful information. Itā€™s greatly appreciated


Keep the momentum from 2023 going by building 6% muscle (4.1% in 2023), climb Mount LeConte in Tennessee (previously planned for 2020) and complete some courses Iā€™m signed up to start in 2 weeks. The classes will hopefully help me transition to more suitable work.